, The Supremes Need to Wake Up!, 3592

3 years ago

First of all, my apologies for disappearing this weekend. Beth’s first grandchild just turned 2 and that’s a mandatory 2-year old birthday travel time. We blew out of here first thing on Friday morning, and were on the road all day, and so didn’t have a chance to explain that we would not be doing our regular 7pm livestream that evening, but that will resume this coming Friday night.
Got some good news. It looks like we’ve been given a timeslot on a California network of TV stations to do three to four forty-eight minutes shows per week. Stay tuned for more news there.
We’ll have guests and answer questions from the audience, but here’s the catch. You probably won’t know what time of day it will be recorded for display hours later, but it’ll probably be in the afternoons. So when you get that advisory that we are going livestream, at some odd time of the week,
that will be the next wind that blows from the north.
Of course, I’ll be doing some introductory stand-up comedy. Uhhhh, Did I ever tell you about the time I told Bob Hope a joke? And he laughed. Beth will have to explain. Beth gently refers to my attempts at humor as monetary reform humor. So no, it’ll be my usual droll self, along with Johnny and Beth and Bill Binney as often as he wants to show up.
Now for some non
-humor news:
The United States Supreme Count needs to wake up before they become the authors of this nation’s demise.
They see absolutely nothing worthy of their attention concerning the 2020 election – stark irregularities that do somehow concern a large majority of the American people.
However, they do seem quite concerned about the freedom of speech rights of a JV cheerleader four years ago.
This is a prime example of the old English idiom - missing the forest for the trees.
For our international audience, the meaning of this idiom concerns someone who focuses on petty detail to such an extent that they ignore the far more important, larger principles at stake in any matter. This idiom goes way back to 1546, so it is not a new kernel of wisdom.
With the nation today, on the brink of what many people think will be a race war and which at least is a major societal upheaval; with a major crisis on the Southern border; with boys being allowed to compete in girls’ sports; with China busy taking over the world while we decide how much damage and how much violence, vandalism and looting is required to turn a legal Peaceful Protest into an illegal riot, and with half the nation believing that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, the Supreme Court is set to rule on whether the removal of a 14 year old girl from the junior varsity cheerleading squad at Mahanoy Area High School in Pennsylvania in 2017 was constitutional.
Next up, the Supreme Court next will rule on who should have pitched at a Little League game in Paducah, Kentucky in 2018. Billy Smith had good speed but was a little wild while Tommy Jones wasn’t as fast, but had more control. The Supremes will no doubt split on this because speed versus control is a hot legal issue and Jones or Smith whichever one wins will have won bragging rights for the rest of his life.
The young woman in question, Brandi Levy, is now a college student and was reinstated to the cheerleading squad by the courts back when it still mattered, at least to her. But the school system has pursued it’s right to remove a student from the junior varsity cheerleading squad for sending a “Snapchat” message they didn’t like, to the Supreme Court. It is not cheap to take a case to the Supreme Court and the idea that any school board would consider this a good use of public funds is almost as disturbing as having the Supreme Court decide to accept the case.
This is the same Supreme Court that decided that the cases involving the 2020 presidential election were not important enough for the Supreme Court to hear. Even the case brought by the entire state of Texas --generally considered a respectable state -- did not meet the high standards to be heard by the United States Supreme Court.
But who is on the Junior Varsity high school cheerleading squad in 2017 is.
What prompted Levy’s removal from the JV cheerleading squad was a Snapchat message she sent one Saturday that included using the F-word repeatedly referring to the school, cheerleading, and in true 14-year-old fashion, the rest of the world in general.
Snapchat messages disappear after 24 hours. This one went to 250 of her dearest, closest and best-est friends. As nearly everyone knows, high school students use various Apps on their smart phones to have conversations with each other. Talking is old school, something their grandparents did. So for Levy to send a Snapchat expressing her frustration at not making the varsity cheerleading squad is the equivalent of a student in bygone years simply yelling the F-word over and over again on a Saturday afternoon.
Despite what the school board thinks, this is not an unusual occurrence or a particularly noteworthy reaction to not making the varsity cheerleading squad.
Levy wasn’t in school or at a school function when she sent the message. What she did was not illegal and was no more or less than a teenager’s cry of frustration to her teenaged friends.
It seems like the school board should have better things to do, but there is absolutely no doubt that the US Supreme Court should have better things to do. If the Supreme Court has time for JV High School cheerleading, maybe the nine most powerful justices in the country might check their schedules and see if they could not work in a few minutes for the 2020 election, but that’s not going to happen.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good Day.

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