Stuntwoman Kerri Cameron Fearlessly Rides the "Wall of Death"

3 years ago

If you’ve ever been to a carnival, you know that the performers are no strangers to wild and dangerous stunts. But, what happens when you add motorcycles to the equation? I’ll tell you what happens, you end up with an insane performance called the Wall of Death. With a name like that, you know it’s going to keep you on your toes as a spectator.

The Wall of Death is essentially a carnival sideshow that features a barrel-shaped wooden cylinder that can range from 20 to 36 feet. Inside the cylinder, stunt riders will ride motorcycles or drive go-karts continuously around the walls, making them appear to completely defy gravity. They manage to keep the motorbikes planted on the walls as the crowd watches from above. Oh, and to add a little more to the challenge, they also perform stunts while riding around the wall. They’ll ride around no handed, no handed side saddle, standing up, and include many other mindblowing tricks. Talk about an adrenaline rush.

Kerri is one of the few folks that gets to ride for Luke Fox’s original Wall of Death troupe. Her previous career was in horse riding, and she claims her introduction to the Wall of Death world was purely an accident. She was laid off by her employer at the time and hit the job center to look for work. She stumbled upon the ad for the Wall of Death and decided to check it out.

It was love at first sight for Kerri when she was introduced to the wall. She hasn’t left since. Cameron claims that the key to successfully riding the wall is a mixture between balance, speed, and stamina, since you will need to battle dizziness as well as the G-forces.

The daredevil motorcyclist makes her tricks look easy, but I can assure you that this takes massive amounts of talent and skill to accomplish. Kerri also touches on the struggles of being a female in a male-dominated industry. Obviously, there are much fewer female riders than male, but Kerri does a fantastic job at being a positive role model for all the women in the audience. She admits that people are normally a little stunned to see her hop on the bike, but it brings joy to everyone’s faces when she unsuspectingly does circles around the wall. There’s no denying the ability that Cameron has. In fact, she’s likely got more guts than most of the guys out there, and she proves that with each and every performance.

We need more people like Kerri in this world. The biker took on the challenge head first and proved to everyone that she has the skill to do this intimidating stunt. She has a very uplifting personality and does a great job showing the world what woman are capable of. Keep on blowing minds, Kerri Cameron!

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