What is the Feast of Pentecost? Then & Now? ~ Part 2

3 years ago

What is the Feast of Pentecost? Then & Now? ~ Part 2

By Pastor Gary Wayne

In Lev.23:15-16 it explains the “Feast of Weeks” which is the same as the “Feast of Pentecost.” The word Pentecost is Greek = fifty. So God had them count 50 days from the “Feast of Firstfruits” to the “Feast of Pentecost.”
At the 1st Pentecost the Law was given, the 2nd Pentecost the Holy Spirit.

Following His resurrection in Jn 20:19-22, Jesus met with His disciples and ver.22 “…He breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus then spent the next 40 days teaching His disciples before ascending to heaven. His followers had 10 day prayer. (Acts 1)

After ascending to heaven to sit at the right hand of God, Fifty days after His resurrection, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as promised to baptize = to immerse, submerge fully - His followers in the Holy Spirit and empower them for ministry.

The first 3 feasts are about Salvation and having the Holy Spirit come and live in us at that salvation moment. (Rom.10:10)

50 days later in Acts 2, we have the Holy Spirit given in a different experience called the “Baptism “in” the Holy Spirit.”

Today I want to look at three different baptism that are talked about in Scripture.

Text: Matthew 3:11, Corinthians 12:12-13, Acts 2:1-4 Acts 1:4-9

In Acts 2, we have the account of the “Baptism “in” the Holy Spirit.”
Often this happening in incorrectly referred to as the Baptism “of” the Holy Spirit, which is different.

The Baptism the Holy Spirit does.
1Cor.12:12-13 This is clearly speaking about when we are saved, we become a part of the “body of Christ.” Ver.13 uses the wording “by the Spirit we are all baptized” into on the body.”

This is the baptism “of” the Holy Spirit – the action of the Holy Spirit – He baptizes us into Christ at salvation.

So the baptism of the Holy Spirit is into salvation.

The Baptism Jesus does.
Acts 1:4-5. Mat.3:11
John the Baptist wasn’t speaking to the 12 disciples.
They weren’t called until the next chapter.
This was not just for the 120 in the upper room. John was saying Jesus the Messiah will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
When Messiah comes, this is what He does.
Mrk.1:8, Luk3:16, Jn.1:33, Acts 1:5

The Baptism we do.
Mat.28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,…”
What does water baptism represent? Death, burial, resurrection.
This is the baptism the followers of Jesus do to new converts. (Not just clergy.)

Many confuse the first two baptisms as being the same, but as you study them, it is clearly they are TOTALLY different.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is into salvation.
Jesus baptizes us in / with the Holy Spirit.

A major event to note is that Jesus did not start His earthly ministry until He was 1. Baptized in water, 2. Baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Directly after coming out of the water the Holy Spirit descend upon Him in the form of a dove. Jn.1:33 “…Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.”

If Jesus needed this Holy Spirit baptism before He started ministering, how much more do we need what He told us in Acts 1:4-5?

His last instructions to His believers were not go, but wait until.

Many try say, this experience was for the 12, or for the 120 in the upper room, but read what the Scripture says.

Acts 2:39 “For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”

In Acts 8, this took place 5 years after Pentecost.

In Acts 10 took place 10 years later. Acts 19 was 25 years after.

Acts 19:1-2 Why did the greatest apostle that wrote ¾ of the NT ask this question? Didn’t Paul understand correct theology? Isn’t Salvation enough?

Did Jesus say we need this Baptism? Yes.

When you get saved you become a new creation – a new person.
When you get water baptized, you leave that old person behind.
When you get Spirit baptized you receive power to walk in the New Covenant.

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