Catch 22 in Pennsylvania, 3404

3 years ago

Republicans trying to challenge election problems in Pennsylvania are caught in a classic Catch-22.
The Republicans trying to sort out the election mess there are arguing that the regulations used during the election were contrary to the Pennsylvania Constitution and the US Constitution which gives state legislatures the sole authority to decide how elections for president will be held in their respective states.
According to the Pennsylvania courts, the laws governing elections cannot be challenged before the election because no one has been harmed. Of course, no one had been harmed because the harm doesn’t come until after the election when the illegal votes are counted and an illicit winner declared.
But after the election when the harm has been done, the courts are now saying it is too late because to enforce the laws of the state would disenfranchise voters.
It’s worth noting that in North Carolina in 2018, the completely opposite decision was made when a Republican operative was found to be harvesting absentee ballots. The election results were thrown out and a new election was held, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters were disenfranchised and the district had to go without representation in Congress until the new election was complete.
There’s another Catch 22 situation behind the recent refusal of the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the Texas lawsuit. Texas didn’t have standing to challenge the elections in other states. But the governors and attorney generals of the states where fraudulent elections were held aren’t going to challenge them, to do so would be to admit they were a party to fraud. Deciding that a plaintiff doesn’t have standing is an easy out for courts because they don’t have to consider the merits of the case.
It would appear, unless there is some sea change in the judicial thinking that what the courts are saying is that when Democrats commit election irregularities it’s none of the people’s business.
If people are allowed to vote illegally, if voting machines don’t count the votes accurately, if voting machines are connected to the Internet so that hackers from the governments of Iran, China and Russia to name a few can manipulate vote totals, that’s not the court’s problem.
The question is then, whose problem is it?
It’s reminiscent of the old days before the FBI when all a bank robber had to do was cross the state line and he or she was home free. They hadn’t broken any laws in the state they were in, so that state simply benefitted from the money they were spending.
The election has been held. The votes legitimate and fraudulent have been counted, so it’s over.
It seems like that is where we are now, the areas where the elections were controlled by Democrats were allowed to make any regulation they thought would help their candidates regardless of the laws of the state, unmanned drop boxes, counting absentee ballots that came in from who knows where long after the legal deadline, counting all the absentee ballots whether they met the signature and other security requirements of state law or not, refusing to allow Republican election observers to actually observe the ballot counting as boxes of ballots were run through voting machines more than once, and the list goes on.
If you can’t challenge these violations before the election, and can’t challenge them after the election in state courts. And the Supreme Court won’t hear the cases, it means it is open season on elections and there will never be another free and fair election for president in the US.
The stakes in a presidential election are too high for someone to not try to manipulate the vote, particularly if there is no downside. Even if the perpetrators are caught red handed with ballots stuffed up their sleeves, in their boots, and in suitcases hidden under tables nothing happens.
Who knows in the next election Democrats may decide that they want vote totals like in corrupt countries where the sitting president is reelected by 99 percent margins. Why not? And if the courts won’t step up to enforce the law, there is no reason not to go for broke. The mathematical improbability of the Biden vote totals in the late night and early morning counting alone should be enough to overturn the results of the election, but if no court will hear the cases, it doesn’t matter.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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