Puppy love between baby and his dog is super sweet

3 years ago

There is no love stronger than a boy and his dog. Following you will see this deep connection between 18 month old Harvey and his dog, Bella. Bella is a 5 year old Terrier mix pup from Surrey British Columbia, Canada. Bella has great parents that up until a years and half ago she was the main "child" in the home. Bella was very use to receiving all the attention until her little "brother" Harvey came along. Bella has always been an extremely friendly and lovable pup.

She has always been able to get along with anyone, and any other dogs, making it great for taking her along on vacation and to even just the local dog parks. Now that Harvey is very mobile, he is also building an extremely lovable personality. His love doesn’t only include his parents, with hugs and kisses daily, Harvey also loves his dog. Here you will see just how much love Harvey has for Bella. Yes most kids love animals and pets, but Harvey goes and shows to the extreme.

Climbing into bed with Bella on her favourite dog bed is only one place that she gets cuddles from her brother . Whether on the couch curled in a ball, trying to sleep, Harvey will always snuggle up to Bella to comfort her and show his love. Rolling around on the dog bed, snuggling and hugging Bella, Harvey at times gets a little “heavy “ on this little pooch and she will escape his grappling for a quieter location. Harvey always finds Bella, he loves her to bits. As you can see there is nothing more special than the love of a young child and his dog. What a beautiful relationship these two have, true love.

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