Adorable wild dog puppy loves biting his brother's tail

27 days ago

The video shows the rare sight of African wild dog puppies outside their den fooling around, with one adorable individual that just loves biting and pulling his brother’s tail.
The African wild dog is one of the rarest and most endangered carnivore species in Africa, and seeing wild dogs in the wild is a rare and special experience. Even more special is when you get so lucky to see them in baby form. The African wild dog make den during autumn and use old burrows inside large termite mounds. To locate such a den is very difficult, making the find even more so exciting and special. We spent time at a den we located, and I filmed as much as I could. While the adults were lying and resting in the shade nearby the den, the puppies were so much fun to watch. The wild dog puppies were incredibly cute, and they all looked adorable, filled with energy while playing all around the entrance of the den. One specific male puppy thought it was the coolest thing to start biting and then pulling his brother’s tale the whole time. There he was, standing with his brother’s tail in his mouth, while his brother couldn’t care less. Watching these puppies were just so funny and cute at the same time. When some of the other puppies came falling down back into the den, the wild dog puppy with the tail in his mouth got a freight and immediately let go of the tail. What a privilege to have witnessed such an incredibly entertaining and rare sight out in the African wild.

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