(4)Flouride the Neurotoxin in your tap water (Fluoride = Rat Poison added with Uranium, Hexaflouride UF6 Nuclear Waste & Chlorine for cancer)

21 days ago

See all below... Fluoride is not for the benefit of your teeth ( & mercury fillings are poisonous) and water treatment systems do not remove all chemicals and fluoride is now officially a dangerous 'Neurotoxin' (used in food production & at home) see below... and "Dentist Bill Osmunson Speaks Out Against Fluoride (Re-Post)"

Fluoride Poison On Tap 2015 full documentary, Paul Wittenberger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3QTihJavRo

(Uranium, Hexaflouride UF6 Nuclear Waste) "The Great Culling- Our Water Official Full Movie" (Flouride contains Nuclear waste'Uranium Hexafluoride' (UF6) or simply Hex) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP9Oz8oKFPw or brighteon https://www.brighteon.com/0cb25ce9-efae-400a-9256-16f85c0f4bcc

Water treatment plants (following evaporation, condensation, precipitation rain, and water collection into lakes and reservoirs) involve 7 stages. 1.Screening, 2. Flocculation, 3. Settlement, 4. Filtration, 5. Chlorination, 6. Fluoridation, 7. pH Adjustment. (=Water to homes and industry) Chlorination or chlorine carries cancer https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/02/03/tap-water-chlorine-may-have-cancer-link-johns-hopkins-study/2854631001/#:~:text=Adding%20chlorine%20to%20drinking%20water%20kills%20germs%20and,produces%20the%20toxic%20compound%20and%20known%20carcinogen%20BDA. whilst fluoridation (rat - poison & hex UF6 )is bad in every way. People used to drink from natural wells or aquifers as spring water with its nutrients and minerals. These are effectively and largely removed in the 7 stages and then fluoride and chlorine added are lethal in the short and long terms. Large urban areas could still drink spring water by wells or aquifers and have a separate sewage system. Fluoride is simply great at cleaning water pipes and concrete. ALL FOODS USE FLUORIDATED / CHLORINATED WATER ? yet it is banned in France, Spain Germany and many countries. Officially it is hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) or sodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF26) but othr waste products such as nuclear waste imported from china ? is also added (see the great culling documentary below ) Fluoride is a natural mineral and occurs naturally in minuscule amounts in rocks and soils but the very large amounts added to water (found also in bottled water ?) with other waste products is beyond comparison (see https://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/oral-care/products/fluoride-poisoning.htm AND ALSO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_fluoridation_by_country#/media/File:Water-fluoridation-extent-world-equirectangular.svg.... BUT NOW IT IS classed as a Neuorotoxin

"Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal" (The Lancet) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fluoride-officially-classified-neurotoxin-worlds-most-jensen (Lancet Article https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474-4422(13)70278-3/fulltext#article_upsell )


Sodium Fluoride = Rat Poison and Toxic
Poison & Insecticide https://rense.com/general95/fluo.html ...
AND ALSO ...https://www.lifeadvancer.com/bad-for-teeth-the-brain-and-pineal-gland-is-fluoridating-water-worth-it/

Uranium hexafluoride is https://neftegazru.com/tech-library/nuclear-industry/619903-uranium-hexafluoride/

Magnesium and natural hard spring water and its benefits with magnesium https://www.bitchute.com/video/4E0EwxCyXt9Z/

The C.D.C.'s Greatest Health Achievements https://healthwyze.org/reports/517-the-cdcs-greatest-health-achievements

Uranium, Hexaflouride UF6 Nuclear Waste
The Fluoride Deception


Have You Been Lied to About Fluoride? https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/fluoride-in-water/

11 Incredible Benefits of Well Water You Need to Know! https://waterfilterguru.com/benefits-of-well-water/

NATURAL DETOX WITH WATER FROM FLUORIDE https://invigoratedwater.com/blogs/information/natural-fluoride-detox-with-water

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