"A pediatric practice cannot survive...without doing most of the vaccines...

23 days ago

"A pediatric practice cannot survive...without doing most of the vaccines, if not all of them [on the CDC schedule]...that's the pressure that pediatricians are under...that explains [why] they...won't...look at the fact that these vaccines are causing a lot of harm."
Retired pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas describes during a Children's Health Defense interview how pediatric practices cannot survive financially without administering the CDC's "vaccine" schedule to patients due to their reliance on federal dollars. For his own practice, Thomas notes that when he (largely) stopped "vaccinating" his patients, he lost more than a million dollars in revenue per year.
Thomas notes there are multiple ways that pediatric practices earn federal dollars by "vaccinating" young children, including "admin fees," which one can think of as "a 'Thank you' for giving [a] shot" and handing out an accompanying VIS, or vaccine information sheet.
The retired pediatrician notes that for a two-month "Well Baby" visit, there's a DPT shot—which is three shots (three antigens)—a Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B) shot, a Prevnar (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) shot, a Hep B shot, a polio shot, and a rotavirus shot; all in, these amount to six shots and eight antigens. For the pediatrician, this amounts to $240. This figure can then be multiplied by 30 or 40, as that's how many newborns a pediatrician can expect to see in a month. That number is then multiplied again, as those babies are coming in repeatedly at two months, four months, six months, nine months, 12 months, 15 months, and age two.
"[I]t's a lot of visits," Thomas says. "And then there's the older kids that need boosters..."
Additionally, Thomas notes that "one of the main quality measures is how well you vaccinate." He says, "It has nothing to do with how healthy your kids are," and points out that when he studied his "vaxxed versus unvaxxed patients" he found that "the unvaxxed were so incredibly healthy—they rarely got sick. They rarely would end up in an emergency room or in an hospital with any chronic condition."
"So being unvaxxed results in very health kids who don't use a lot of medical dollars—every medical system should want that, but it's reversed...it's bizarre," Thomas adds.
As a result of this payment scheme, Thomas says a pediatric practice in the U.S. "cannot stay in business if you're not giving pretty close to the CDC schedule—it just doesn't pencil out economically at all."
Thomas goes on to say: "A pediatric practice cannot survive using insurance without doing most of the vaccines, if not all of them [on the CDC schedule]...and that's the pressure that pediatricians are under and...that explains the blinders that they just won't go there and look at the fact that these vaccines are causing a lot of harm."Sense Receptor

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