Kamala Harris: 'I'm In Favor Of The Second Amendment,' But Also Gun Control

26 days ago

Kamala Harris' Take on Supporting the 2nd Amendment PAINFUL Reminder That Joe Sucks BUT It Could Be Worse: Another day, another word-salad speech from Joe Biden's 'insurance policy,' Kamala Harris. The Biden team knew the corrupt old man would be safe with Kamala at his side because as unpopular as ol' Joe is, she's even more hated. And cringe-worthy. And embarrassing. She can, however, walk up and down stairs so she has that going for her, yeah? Can't set the bar too high. Any who, watch Kam-Kam's take on supporting the Second Amendment: Kamala: "I'm in favor of the Second Amendment," but also gun control. Alrighty then. How can you be in favor of the Second Amendment and gun control? It can't be done. -- Ernesto Ronin @Ronin1021: “Bad as Biden is, remember it could be far worse.” -- True story. But that being said, Biden is pretty damn bad.

Mikeysho @Mikeysho69: “Wut” -- Don't look at me, man. I just work here. Hey, at least she's not talking about the importance of spanning time and spanning time to figure out how important it is to span time. With a cackle cackle here and a cackle cackle there … Painful. Gotta laugh though or I may never throw up. -- American Ryno @American_rayan: “She's in favor of banning everything, so you don't have a 2nd amendment.” -- She's in favor of the Second as long as you don't actually want to bear arms and stuff. -- myleftnut @AnthonyKrouse6: “not how that works there cackles.” -- Cackles. Perfect. -- Politically Unmotivated @arkwelder716: “I'm a vegetarian but I only eat chicken and beef.” -- Trent Harris @trentharris: https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/GNeR2e-XEAA9pGu.mp4 -- Sorry, I take it back. THIS is perfect.

Rumble: Judge Sentences NYC Gunsmithing Man To 10 Years After Saying 2nd Amendment Nonexistent In Courtroom

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