City Council In NC Has Reparations Demands… Free Money For Black Citizens Who Were Never Slaves

1 month ago

City Council In North Carolina Has Its Reparations Demands And Yes, It Includes A Lot Of Free Money For Black Citizens Who Were Never Slaves: Asheville — The city and county reparations commission has voted unanimously for guaranteed income for some residents, handing that and other recommendations up to local elected officials. In a series of four votes at its May 6 meeting, the commission recommended guaranteed income and three other programs − the creation of an economic development center, paying for existing initiatives in historically Black neighborhoods and creating a Reparations Accountability Council. All are meant to help make up for slavery and years of discrimination toward Black residents and their ancestors − though it is still unclear who exactly will benefit because of legal issues that can limit race-based programs, city and county attorneys have said.

The commission did not recommend an amount that people should receive, though $600 is a monthly allotment paid to qualifying residents in Durham, a city whose program local proponents have referenced. In Asheville and the rest of the county, guaranteed income should be "a way to ensure basic needs are met for individuals with low-incomes and assets," according to the language of the recommendation in the May 6 agenda. Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. Pretty sure no one in this city or any other demanding reparations were slaves in 1865 or are victims of the aftermath of slavery.

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