EXPOSED: Peterson's Threat Assessment | CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AT RISK | AI Dominated Art

25 days ago

Known for his insights into psychology and philosophy, Dr Peterson raises concerns about the potential negative impact of AI on society, and how far artificial intelligence will go based on current trends. Advanced language model development is set to revolutionise the field of natural language processing.

Once the ethical issues of AI art are resolved, and if nothing else changes, expect 60-80% of the artist workforce to lose their jobs in the next 2-5 years. Not the artists, just the companies. Mid-career and younger artists will be hit the hardest, while the higher end jobs and productions will see minimal change.

This is not to say that jobs won't be created to replace the 60-80% of jobs that will be lost, perhaps 15-30% of new roles will be created, but individuals would have to play multiple roles.

Percentage seems high? Consider this: Concept illustrations can take 1-2 weeks, complex pieces 1-3 months. If AI art is ethically sourced and there are no copyright issues, a good artist can use AI to generate hundreds of options of what's needed, then do a paint over to drastically change a piece for delivery.

Now a 2 week piece would take 4 hours, 3 months would take 2 days. That one artist won't lose their job, but if in the past I needed 10 artists on a project? Now I only need one. Where will those 9 people go? Other companies will have 9 artists they don't need.

When commercial photo shoots become text-to-image, it is not just the photographer who is no longer needed. There will be no need for models, make-up artists, hairdressers, stylists, producers or assistants. Depending on the job, there are already automated commercial studios that can cut out a lot of the middle man.

Need to shoot a product in an environment? Just drop it in. Now you can skip the set designer, prop stylist, producer and set assistants and simply produce a product shot in-house and use words to create the set you need around it.

Need 20 models for variety? No problem! You can use one face, the technology already exists to turn it into all the genders, skin tones, face types and hair you need. E-commerce companies that shoot daily can save a lot of money by hiring just one model instead of 20.

Who's safe? The best and the biggest names are safe for a while. AAA studios will continue to hire the best people, magazines that hire me will continue to hire me (or not), top actors and models are fine. Mid-level animation and video will be safe for a bit longer because of resources/computing power.

The first to go these days are smaller, indie illustrators, retouchers, writers - where the work delivered is standalone and doesn't interface with other parts of the production, where copyright isn't important to the client, and where potential infringement doesn't bother them as much. As long as it looks good enough, a company will be happy to commission it themselves rather than hire people to do it for them.

Book covers, marketing illustrations, poster art, etc. all fall into this category. A nice pattern on a cushion or a dress in a shop? That was someone's job. General retouching will be reduced as filters are good enough for many non-high-end jobs. Copywriters can now be skipped, as ChatGPT can replace them in many cases.

I think handmade art will survive - on a smaller scale. It will probably become a niche, like handmade goods are for us today in a world of mass production. But we're going to need infrastructure, protection, systems and support.

There are a whole range of issues that need to be addressed in relation to AI because it's going to affect everyone across the whole fabric of society. But before we can begin to address these issues, the most basic starting point that everyone can agree on should be not to steal from businesses and individuals.

The development of AI should be for the benefit of humanity, not on the backs of millions of people. So sign petitions, write to your representatives, pay attention to discussions, do research.

Be wary of inflammatory content from anyone, on any side. Verify and educate yourself by going to the source rather than taking things at face value. Hear about a great new app? Try it for yourself before recommending it to others. Hear about a new law? Read it for yourself on the official website before sharing what someone else has paraphrased.

No matter how far removed you feel from the situation, AI won't just affect other people, it's likely to affect you too.

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