The Look On Her Face… LOL! Video Of AOC 'Correcting' Border Patrol Supervisor On Illegals Resurfaces

1 month ago

Full transparency, this particular video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez trying to correct Border Patrol Agent/Supervisor Thomas Homan about illegal immigrants is about four years old HOWEVER, it recently resurfaced on Twitter and is making the rounds again so of course we had to take this opportunity to share an oldie, but a goody. Or would that be a 'bad-dy'? It's also a reminder of who the Democrat Party really is. AOC Doesn’t Understand That People Who Enter The Country Illegally Are Breaking The Law:

AOC: “Mister Homan, with all due respect, legal asylees are not charged with any crime.”

Tom Homan: “When you're in the country illegally, it's violation 8 United States Code 1325. If you wanna seek asylum, go through the port of entry. Do it the legal way. The attorney general of the United States has made that clear.”

An oldie but a goody to remind us that elections have consequences. When we put intellectually deficient and patriotically agnostic candidates in office, don't be surprised when we the country takes a turn for the worse. Sadly, the people who keep electing Sandy don't seem to understand how bad the consequences are for them; it's no mistake her district has been jokingly compared to the third-world. Or maybe not so jokingly. AOC is an idiot who didn’t know what a garbage disposal was, she should have stuck to bartending.

• More at: Twitchy - The Look on Her FACE … LOL! Video of AOC 'Correcting' Border Patrol Supervisor on Illegals Resurfaces

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