Rand Paul Confronts Stephane Bancel - (Moderna CEO) about Risk of Myocarditis in Young Males

18 days ago

Rand: “Have you Vaccinated Your Children?”

Moderna CEO: “Yes I have.”

Rand: “How many times?”

Moderna CEO: He sighs and says – “3 or 4 Times.”

Rand then laughs as he doesn’t even know how many times his children were vaccinated, which is most definitely ZERO times.

Rand Paul: “Is there a higher incidence of mycocarditis among boys age 16 to 24?”

Bancel: “We care deeply for the safety and we are working with the CDC and FDA.”

Why would they care deeply for the safety when it doesn’t matter if they are safe or effective?

They have an agreement in which they will never be liable or prosecuted for any harm to the public and they have a contract with the government for selling them.

It’s a win, win for Moderna and a lose, lose for the public.

They knew years ago that mRNA does 100%, with NO freaking question cause Myocarditis.

Bancel says: “The data I see from the CDC there is less.”

First of all, why in the hell would he quote data from the CDC when he is the one who did the tests.

Do people see what’s going on here? The blame is being passed from one cabal member to another to another, it’s a game of musical chairs and the cabal members are never punished for their crimes.

I literally can’t stand watching this liar. He needs to be put in prison. Evidently lying to congress means nothing anymore. These f*ckers are immune from all wrongdoings.

Stephane Bancel – reported by the Washington Post made over $400 MILLION in just ONE year (2022).

Then he sits here and lies his ass off. If we had a true justice system, this guy would be in prison on death row right now.

Moderna gave NIH $400 million also. *No Conflict of Interest? Nothing to see here, I guess.

It must be nice when they can just dish out $800 million and think nothing about it, this from a pharmaceutical company that has NEVER had a true FDA Approved Drug until they received Emergency Authorization from the FDA so they could reap profits off of their untested, experimental drug.

No pharma should be able to profit a single PENNY from an UNTESTED, EXPERIMENTAL vaccine or drug. Period. Never.

Not only that, but hey are completely free from all liability if the drug kills people and permanently disables people (which it did both) and they get to charge for this experimental, untested mRNA that kills.

How nice for them.

I am not a Rand Paul fan because he has yet to figure out that ALL vaccines have much more Risk than any potential Benefit, but at least he questions and I guess that is the best we have right now, which is pathetic to say the least.

Where are all the others?

Taking Bribes to keep quiet?

Source: Lorena Diblasi -- https://twitter.com/DiblasiLorena


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END. 5/13/2024 – 6:00 PM

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