Bird Flu Fear Porn – What’s the Agenda? WHO Warns H1N1 Bird Flu Virus is Spreading!

1 month ago

May 2, 2024.

They are pushing this like they pushed the “SAFE & EFFECTIVE” narrative for Covid-19 Vaccines.

The US government has found Bird Flu in 9 states and it is said to have jumped to 1 person.

This just may be grounds for MASS Bird Flu Vaccination, we can never be too prepared.

The US government said it is collecting samples of ground beef at retail stores in states with outbreaks of bird flu in dairy cows for testing, but remains confident the meat supply is safe.

Just like the healthy Covid Jabs were “safe”, like the fresh chemtrailly air we breathe is “safe”, like the fluoridated water we drink is “safe”, like the GMO food we eat is all “safe.”

Yeah, we should feel “SAFE.”

There just never has been a time in history in which humanity should feel safer.

Wbat’s the Agenda?

First, to cause Fear and Panic as always as we never make “rational” decisions in a state of fear. Whenever the government wants more control of a sector they create a crisis, which causes fear, which leads to their “offer” of a potential “solution” and we gladly say okay to help save humanity.

Second, it gives them a reason to euthanize animals and to contaminate, I mean “test” meat & milk products on the shelves which will significantly decrease the food supply and of course cause prices to skyrocket, again.

Third, to increase government control and regulation over the animals and farms. Just like the WHO is trying to take over all human “medical” decisions, the government now wants to have full control of any animal “plandemics.”

Fourth, to introduce what’s called EIT’s or Electronic Identification Tags – this is the governments sneaky way of knowing EXACTLY the SUPPLY of Cattle. A book can be written on the why’s of this one, but just do some critical speculation if you were an elite who could manipulate markets and cause fear porn.

Fifth, VACCINES – anything to introduce more deadly vaccines to both animals and humans; especially the super healthy mRNA vaccines. They are just looking for a great excuse to make it mandatory that all Farmers Vaccinate ALL their animals with those safe & effective mRNA’s. We know these animal jabs will “Solve” the problem, just as they did for the Plandemic.

They have a very “Deadly” and Un-tested Bird Flu Jab Candidate just gathering dust on the shelf.

See this → Bird Flu Vaccine – 1 in 200 Died in Clinical Trials – Do NOT be Fooled Again – Dr. Meryl Nass --

I find it very “coincidental” that they began introducing “traceability” legislation about six months ago and then out of the blue, what happens – is that they say there is now a bird flu pandemic among the animals and this bird flu is transferring to humans.

I tell ya, our government is so incredibly smart. How can they forecast these things?

The Bird Flu has never jumped from animals to humans but they say it just may as they have found one human infected - (this is called Zoonosis.)

Once again, our loving government agencies and lawmakers are so on top of this, so proud to have them on our side.

This has to be a Natural occurrence, there is just no way this kind of strain of bird flu virus could be made in the lab to jump from animals to humans. After all, that would be illegal and unethical.

And our government is the poster boy for moral behavior.

Thank Goodness we organizations like the World Health Organization – The WHO – they always have our best interest at heart and they are always there to WARN us about these kinds of things and to “prevent” plandemics, I mean pandemics.

We cannot allow this H1N1 Bird Flu to spread outside the US. Thanks to our Health Agencies and our super intelligent Universities, we need not to worry.

They always seem to have a healthy jab for EVERYTHING and they always seem to work so well.

Below are just a very few Bird Flu Headliners in the past 3 weeks, the list of bird flu fear porn propaganda goes on and on and it’s the same players as always.

Take a look at the sources, all bought and paid for by the government.

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

Fear Porn Propaganda Headliners – Predictive Programming:

USDA Actions to Protect Livestock Health From Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza --

US bird flu outbreak spreads to chickens, cattle, raises concerns over human infections --

Bird flu may infect cows outside the US, says WHO --

Current H5N1 Bird Flu Situation in Dairy Cows --

Bird Flu has been spreading among US Cows for months, RNA reveals --

Avian flu: Time to rethink on-farm surveillance? --

Cats died after drinking raw milk from cows infected with bird flu: CDC --

States begin to restrict cattle imports from those with influenza cases --

Scientists Fault Federal Response to Bird Flu Outbreaks on Dairy Farms --

What CDC Is Doing to Respond to Bird Flu Outbreaks in Dairy Cows and Other Animals in the United States --

Feds to require bird flu tests of dairy cattle before transport --

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Detections in Livestock --

Bird Flu Outbreak in Cattle May Have Begun Months Earlier Than Thought --

Chickens and cattle hit with massive bird flu outbreak. Will food prices go up? --

Bird flu detected in Colorado dairy herd, widening nationwide outbreak among cattle --

The Bird Flu Outbreak Has More Questions Than Answers
The spread of H5N1 at dairy farms keeps surprising scientists. That’s not good. --

What’s Happening With Dairy Cows and Bird Flu --

The list of these headliners since the first part of April 2024 is endless.

Do you think this may be a little “Predictive Programming?”

Think of the payloads they could have placed in the Lipid Nanoparticles in the safe & effective covid jags and then think of breaking those nanoparticles up with pulsed 5G electromagnetics.

Just sayin.

It’s great to be able to TRUST our wonderful Health Agencies of this Non-Satanic World.

I'm sure there is nothing to worry about.

Here we go Again!


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Thank You!!

END. 5/6/2024 – 9:00 PM

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