WHO Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations Update -- Odessa Orlewicz

29 days ago

International Health Regulations – The WHO is desperately attempting to remove Health Sovereignty from the all nations of the world, especially the United States.

IHR – International Health Regulations are a separate deal than the Pandemic Treaty – both are ways to infiltrate the healthcare systems of the world and take them over for the NWO.

They want to take over when health “emergencies” are declared. They want to the be the “go to” health agency of the world.

This is all part of the One World Medical System which they want the WHO to be top dogs controlling this, which will take away all freedoms as they will tell what to take, how much to take and when to take it.

If we allow these tyrants to take over they will be like the CDC is for children to adults, making us take a vaccine for all their lab created sh*t.

If they get what they want there will be mandates and we will have no Authority to say or do anything about it.

They have a DEADLY Bird Flu vaccine just sitting on the shelf and they have been giving plenty of hints lately about the Bird Flu – just anything that they can use a vaccine for.

Check out the vaccine they are just waiting to dish out in the name of “health” on the masses → Bird Flu Vaccine – 1 in 200 Died in Clinical Trials – Do NOT be Fooled Again – Dr. Meryl Nass -- https://rumble.com/v4s6foz-bird-flu-vaccine-1-in-200-died-in-clinical-trials-do-not-be-fooled-again-dr.html

Our politicians should be collectively telling the WHO to stay the f*ck away from the USA and do not even dare to try and tell us what is “healthy” for us. But our so called “Representatives – Politicians” do not represent us, they cowards and willfully accept bribes to look the other way and go with the agenda and try and persuade good, honest, hard working Americans that this is in their best interest.

No it, definitely is not.

They are a Satanic organization run by criminals who believe in depopulating the masses with vaccines.

Why in the hell would we allow a Foreign Nation to dictate what we put in our body, F*CK Them!

Stay away from the USA.

Anyway, this is Odessa Orlewicz giving her update on this WHO bullsh*t.

In this video Odessa is kind of indicating that it is good as they are amending what is put in the agreements.

First, there should be NO agreement period. The WHO should stay out of our business period. So just the fact that we even acknowledge them is disgusting. That said, the agencies within the states are just as bad, the CDC, NIH and FDA.

They all stabbed the people in the back and took part in nothing short than a possible genocide by mandating an experimental, untested brand new novel classification of mRNA drugs on the population.

That is definitely violated everything the Nuremberg Codes represent but since we have no Justice system and since the DoD was actually the ones distributing these vaccines and since we had a president who signed and Executive Order to lay the table for a new classification of mRNA – we the people were left with NO Governmental Advocate to stand up for us.

We were left alone having to trust our predators who we believed to be our friends looking out for us.

We need to wake up and realize that we have to be our own protectors, the so called “health” agencies are not representing us.

It’s very sad to say, but our Government has secretly been creating jobs and expanding for the past 50 years so they can have complete control and they have effectively removed the republic and the power of the people – we the people have lost complete control here, we have become dependent on them and the few that are aware of this and speak out are simply censored and labeled conspiracy theorists.

Yes, it’s that bad.

I believe it is May 28, 2024 when Biden and Trudeau will sign the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

Stay tuned, will likely have more info as this date approaches.


Libertytalkcanada -- https://rumble.com/v4r6oi0-importanturgent-updates-about-both-the-whos-ihr-and-the-pandemic-treaty.html

Dr. Meryl Nass – Substack -- Meryl Nass is a physician and researcher who proved the world's largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine. Her license was suspended for prescribing COVID medications and 'misinformation.' -- https://merylnass.substack.com/p/its-official-cdc-and-uk-government

**This is the Deadly Vaccine they are going to be pushing as soon as they can declare a Bird Flu Outbreak → Bird Flu Vaccine – 1 in 200 Died in Clinical Trials – Do NOT be Fooled Again – Dr. Meryl Nass -- https://rumble.com/v4s6foz-bird-flu-vaccine-1-in-200-died-in-clinical-trials-do-not-be-fooled-again-dr.html


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Thank You!!

END. 5/08/2024 – 3:00 PM

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