Australians Fight Globalist Censorship With New National Anthem

1 month ago

Julie Inman-Grant is Australia's first e-Safety Commissioner, claiming to "keep Australians safe online".

After the Wakeley stabbing in Sydney Australia of Bishop Mar Mari, rumours spread online that it may have been a staged event as people posted footage and asked questions. Ms Inman-Grant immediately demanded social media (specifically X, Facebook and Instagram) to remove all references to the stabbing which broke Australian law, which she intends to arbitrate as the e-Commissar. Elon Musk, owner of X, refused to comply. Read more here:

Ms Inman-Grant is an adherent to the values of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The WEF is a globalist organisation central to the merger between governments which are losing democratic powers, with corporations, in a monumental Marxist takeover. Regulatory agencies are central to this takeover as they impose rules in the name of "safety" requiring obedience of citizens. The loss of many competent health professionals who questioned false government claims about medical products is an obvious example. Recently the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (involved in centralising all medical regulation into a globalised entity) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Director-General of the World Health Organization. Read more here:

This takeover became apparent during the covid pandemic, as governments continue to deceive their citizens over whether an actual (or potential) "pandemic" requires measures such as mass closure of small businesses, mass adherence to nonsensical rules which have no impact on viral transmission, and social engineering of health systems away from medical ethics and evidence based practice, towards corporate priorities, alongside similar capture of education and other systems.

This takeover appears to have been progressing in the name of climate change for some decades, as has the takeover of regulatory agencies. For example, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) receives 96% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry, which it purports to regulate. See table 1 at this link:

Australians appear to be waking up to their loss of democracy via ideologues such as Julie Inman-Grant.


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