10 STRANGE Discoveries In South America

1 month ago

"From unidentified creatures; to mysterious locations; these are 10 STRANGEST Discoveries in South America !

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10.Karajia | Peru

9.Quimbaya airplanes | Colombia

When you look at this artifact… what do you see? Do you see a heavily artistic and ornamental golden bug figurine… or a space shuttle?

Depending on who you ask, these figurines are either proof of great artisan ability… or proof of the ancient astronaut theory.

Just the facts,
the so called Quimbaya Airplanes are a small part of the Quimbaya Civilization’s culture. The Quimbaya occupied modern day Columbia and were renowned for their ornamental gold work. The “airplanes” were designed sometime around the great year 1000. Most of the golden figurines were believed to be a part of funeral offerings in the culture. It was believed that gold was the passport for the afterlife.

On the other hand, Peter Belting and Conrad Lubbers did manage to create a larger scale model of some of the figurines, furthermore, the models did manage to fly.

Finally, we forget to look at the bigger picture here, depending on what theory you want to support, you might ignore the fact that there were 1000’s of these figurines made. Thousands. Some with less detail than others. Look at this picture, would you assume THESE figurines were airplanes and space shuttles, and not, you know… bugs?

8.Glyptodon Shell | Bolivia

7.Saki Monkeys |

One of the stranger monkey species, the Saki are a new world order … i mean just new world monkey that eat a bunch of fruit, hang out in trees and rarely stop for a photo op.

Seriously these little guys are illusive, and as recently as february of this year, new species were being recorded. On top of that, a Nat Geo photographer spotted a Vanzolini bald faced saki, for the first time in over 80 years !

Can you imagine taking a stroll through the forest and out of nowhere you see this dude? That mop top and death stare would definitely make me rethink some decisions I’ve made in life. I hope he isn’t all alone in those tree branches :( After the initial shock of meeting a creature that was supposed to be extinct for decades, would you approach it?

6. Kaieteur Falls | Gyuana

5.Ischigualasto | Argentina

In English, this haunting place is known as the “valley of the moon”, side note, too many places in South America are called valley of the moon. I can’t keep up.

With mysterious rock structures the valley of the moon definitely raises a few eye brows. They have their version of the Sphinx, albeit, this one was actually built by nature. They also have a

Also, they had a bunch of dinosaurs that lived in the area , also also, there is the case of the so called “bowling field”. Look at that ! Its a bunch of small round rocks, in a field. Seriously though, this landscape is very strange !

What do you think is cooler? The bowling field or Death Valley’s racetrack?

4.Galapagos Islands | Ecuador

3.Sacsayhuamán | Peru

Apart from the hard to pronounce name, seriously, this is the most alternate names on wikipedia I have ever seen, this ancient site is located near Cusco, Peru.

It is believed that sacsayhuaman was a citadel, its earliest use dating back to 900 AD.
At first everyone thought that the Inca built this defensive fort, but evidence suggests that the Killke culture were the builders. The Inca only expanded it.

Seriously off topic, what is the plural of Inca? Do you say the Incas ? Isn’t that like saying the Vietcongs ? Chineses ?

Back on track, the most “mysterious” part of this fortress is the so called upside down stairs. In reality, the whole complex is a great example of advanced stone work, but the upside down stairs is what most people get bent out of shape about. Why was this stone carved the way it is? Is it actually upside down? Or was it just part of the roof of a building? As always, people jump to the conclusion that an ancient culture of giant sky gods carved the stones, because there is no way a bunch of plebeians did it.

2.Vale da Lua | Brazil

1. Monkey Cryptid

“Unknown Creature Found in the Amazon”, that was the only description available when this image first surfaced online. And to be honest, not much has changed.

Now was it supposed to be a viral hoax? Maybe, but it never went “viral viral”.
The creature looks real, shadows look good, but then someone SLOPILLY used the stamp tool in Photoshop for the background. Were they trying to remove something? Possibly other people that appeared in the photo?

What do you think this creature is? Some unidentified species, or a burned monkey? I call out hoaxes all the time, but this one is a bit different… comment below , tell me what you think !"

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