Cheeky baby elephant hilariously attempts to intimidate safari tourists

2 months ago

The video shows the funny moments of a cute male baby elephant attempting to show safari goers how scary he can be.
When a fully grown elephant, weighing up to five tonnes, comes charging towards you with ears flapping and trunk swinging, it is time to get out of there as quickly as possible. When baby elephants attempt to imitate the behaviour of the adult elephants, it can be hilarious to watch. While on safari in the Kruger National Park, we came across a large herd of elephants which included a number of young individuals. As the adults moved on, this adorable baby elephant seen in the video, moved away from the herd and decided it was time to test his intimidation skills. Because elephants are the largest land mammals on this planet, they do tend to have the attitude that they can intimidate all other animals in the African wild, as well as safari vehicles filled with tourists. This male baby elephant tried his absolute best to be scary and intimidating. With flapping ears and a swinging trunk, the baby elephant made several mock charges towards the safari vehicle. At one stage the baby elephant even got onto his back legs in an attempt to look bigger and more intimidating. The safari goers on the vehicle found this very funny and amusing to watch.

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