Fake Martial Arts Master Performing A Brick Challenge

6 years ago

Martial arts are a form of codified systems and combat practices, which are practiced for various reasons such as self- defense, military training and law enforcement uses for mental and physical development. Although the term, ‘’martial art’’ has been associated with the fighting techniques of eastern Asia, earlier in the 1550s it referred to the combat systems of Europe. Watch this Martial arts master doing a fake smashing brick challenge.

The expression ‘’Martial arts’’ has been derived from Latin language and it means ‘’Arts of Mars’’, the Roman God of war. Martial arts are divided into the armed and unarmed arts. Martial art masters are trying to help their members to build confidence, discipline, focus and physical/mental strength.
But aside from the professional martial arts training and performing skills, the man in this video decided to do a little joke at their expense. This funny moment occurred on March 11, 2018, in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. The man in the video clip set up his camera and stood on the ground in a Buddha pose.

Preparing to break the brick in front of him, he was doing some mental and physical adaptation. When he finally bends to hit the brick, a hammer appears in his hand. He smashed the brick in two halves and left the scene. The man said laughing: "Excellent martial arts is not here." We are sure that you are not a professional, don’t worry! Haha!
Watch this hilarious man doing the Martial arts brick challenge in his own way! So funny!

Unlike this unharmful prank, check out this bizarre moment when a blindfolded man, dressed as a Sikh warrior, dares to breaks bricks with a hammer just inches from people's heads. The heart-stopping stunt, shot on November 23 last year, shows a man wielding a hammer above the bodies of three men as they lie with their arms and legs outspread on the ground.

In the footage, taken in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, the man is blindfolded after a grainy white substance, possibly sand or salt, is poured into his eyes. On the floor lie three men, with a brick laid between their legs, arms and above their heads. No brick is much more than a foot away from the men lying down. The blindfolded man is then guided around the trio of men on the floor, and touches each brick in turn with his foot, to get an idea of how big the area is. Then he is given a hammer and finds his footing before he begins to swing at the ground.

He comes very close on three occasions to the first man's foot, hitting the ground either side of his leg before he smashes the brick. Once he gets his first brick breakage, he is able to circle around the group, remembering the distance between each brick and stepping over the male volunteers in turn.

The most breathtaking moments come as he smashes bricks placed above the men's heads, with just the smallest of slips able to cause injury or death.

You would think that a man with an impressive display of martial arts talents would have the grace and the balance of a ninja warrior. This video is here to prove you wrong! As soon as this man is finished with his astonishing martial arts demonstration, he skillfully puts on another great show, just not as graceful as the first one. Just when you think you've been blown off your feet by such an impressive performance of martial arts, the guy goes on to show you that this is real life and everyone has their folly, so he pulls off a hammer from behind his back, and smacks the brick to everyone’s disbelief! We bet you didn’t see that coming!

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