Dem Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Had No Spin At The Ready When CNN Hit Him With This Biden vs. Trump Poll

2 months ago

The Biden campaign can't have helped but notice the president's numbers are dropping especially among voting blocs they used to take for granted (everybody remembers "you ain't black if you don't vote for Democrats") and as a result, the White House is ramping up the pandering to certain groups. This week's pander-fest took place out west at a Mexican restaurant: President Joe Biden told Latino voters in Arizona that he 'desperately' needs their help in November and reminds them Donald Trump called them 'rapists and drug dealers.' Biden was not short for words as he courted the important voting bloc, which has flocked to Trump's side since the 2020 presidential election. The president spent time in a Mexican restaurant in Phoenis on Tuesday, chatting with supporters, kissing a baby, taking selfies, and reminding voters why they should give him four more years.

Team Biden's problem is that Hispanics and others can tell the difference between legal and illegal immigration all while why his campaign hopes they don't know the difference. However, just to solidify the message Team Biden should have taken Jill along to add "Si Se Pwodway!" One way to tell this is a problematic issue for Biden is that it's even being mentioned on CNN. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries was on the cable net today and asked about Biden's sinking numbers amongst minorities, and his spin was to pretend it doesn't exist because this administration's created a "Bidenomics" utopia for everybody: CNN: "Both Black and Hispanic voters say that Donald Trump's policies have helped them MORE than Joe Biden's policies — by pretty wide margins…" -- Hakeem Jeffries: No they don't.

There's another one for the "when you've lost CNN" file. Democrats double down on the “Don’t believe your lying eyes” campaign strategy. At this point it's all they've got -- that and claiming Trump will be worse than Hitler if he gets another four years.

Twitchy: Dem Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Had NO Spin at the Ready When CNN Hit Him With This Biden vs. Trump Poll

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