Andrea Bordeaux | White Nationalism Vs. Zionism: A White Supremacy Ploy To Run The World Either Way

3 months ago

Dear fellow non-white people, please don't ever be fooled when some white nationalists or the far-right insist that white Zionists (or fake Jews, as "black supremacists" like to call them) are not white or that "Jewish" supremacy is not white supremacy.

Let me rephrase Malcolm X's 1963 speech that illuminated the cunningness of white liberals and notice how it aptly applies to the white supremacy infighting between White nationalists and white Zionists for world domination:

"In this deceitful game of geopolitics, non-whites (i.e., non-Europeans) are nothing but tools, used by whites who call themselves Zionists against another group of whites called White Nationalists, either to get into power or to retain power.

Among whites in America, for example, the political teams are no longer divided into Democrats and Republicans. It is a uniparty. On the surface, the whites who are now jostling for control of the American political throne are divided into "liberal" and "conservative" camps. But take a deeper look, and you'll realize white Zionism and white nationalism overlap in their liberalism and conservatism. The white Zionists from both parties cross party lines to work together toward the same goal, and white nationalists from both parties do likewise.

The white Zionist differs from the white nationalists only in one way: the white Zionist is more deceitful, more hypocritical than the white nationalist. Both want power, both want to retain world domination and Western hegemony, both are against a multi-polar world order, both believe non-whites are lesser races, but the white Zionist is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the friend and benefactor of non-whites; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the non-whites, the white Zionist is able to weaponize it by using the non-whites as a pawn or tool in this white supremacy power wrangle and infighting that is constantly raging between the white Zionists and white nationalists.

Geopolitically, the non-whites are nothing but a weapon, and the white Zionists control these useful idiots through tricks of tokenism: false promises of integration and civil rights. In this profitable game of deceiving and exploiting the elites of the non-whites, those white Zionists have the willing cooperation of the non-white civil rights leaders. These "leaders" sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains. These "leaders" are satisfied with token victories and token progress because they themselves are nothing but token leaders."

Part 2:

Yes, there is some scientific truth to Black Hebrews claiming white 'Jews' are fake, that they are not the real ancient biblical Israelites, let alone the chosen people. However, Black Americans or Black Hebrews claiming to be Jews too is as absurd as Ashkenazi and Sephardic white people claiming to be Jews because both the black and white groups have no DNA connection to ancient biblical Hebrews and Israelites, let alone the Levant region of the Middle East.

In fact, Palestinians, Mizrahi Arabs, and some Ethiopians, Iraqis, and Iranians are the only ones who are genetically closest to the ancient biblical Hebrews and Israelites.

Present-day 'Israel' (i.e., Occupied Palestine) is a perpetuation of white supremacy, fake white Jesus, and fake white Jews that caters to both the messianic teachings of white Christians and the geopolitical interests of the evil U.S. empire in the oil-rich Middle East.

#Zionist #WhiteNationalist #Zionism #WhiteNationalism

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