Israel on Trial (Strange Bedfellows, Ep. 28) Guest: Na'omi Allen in South Africa

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The United States has told the International Court of Justice (#ICJ) that it should not order the unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian territories without security guarantees.

The ICJ, also known as the World Court, heard arguments from about 50 countries this week on South Africa’s charges that #Israel is committing #genocide in #Palestine.

On Wednesday, the acting legal adviser for the US State Department, Richard Visek told the ICJ:

“The court should not find that Israel is legally obligated to immediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory,” Visek said.

“Any movement towards Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank and #Gaza requires consideration of Israel’s very real security needs.

“We were all reminded of those security needs on October 7, and they persist. Regrettably, those needs have been ignored by many of the participants,” he added, referring to the #Hamas attack on Israel that killed at least 1,139 people, according to an Al Jazeera tally based on official Israeli figures. Around 250 others were seized as hostages.

Israel responded to the attack with a devastating assault on Gaza that has killed more than 29,000 people, according to Palestinian authorities. The assault has reportedly displaced more than 80 percent of the population and reduced large parts of the territory to rubble.

This week on Episode 28 of “Strange Bedfellows” our guest is Na’omi Ducaena Allen, an American expat and history blogger living in South Africa.

Na’omi Allen is a U.S. Air Force Desert Storm veteran who also served as a Sensitive Duties Monitor in the D.C. Area during the Cold War. From both personal experience and years of research, she has a wealth of knowledge to share about #war and the history of wars.

We will discuss South Africa’s case against Israel at the #Hague, and her thoughts as a #Zionist on the alarming rise of #antisemitism in the wake of the 10-7 attacks.

Today also marks two years since #Russia invaded #Ukraine. Na’omi has written extensively about the history of Ukrainian nationalism and the #NazisInUkraine. She will tell us some fascinating stories about the Banderite collaboration with #Nazis in #WWII, and later, British and U.S. Intelligence during the #ColdWar.

We’ll take a deep dive into the reasons why both Ukrainian and Arab nationalists forged alliances with #Hitler, and the continuing influence of Nazism in both the Ukrainian and Palestinian liberation movements today.

A fascinating conversation is always guaranteed on “Strange Bedfellows.”

Join us LIVE tonight from 9-11 P.M. Eastern!

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Many thanks to the Maverick News Channel for hosting this program.

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