Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz - February 23, 2024

3 months ago

Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada shares the “Wins of the Week” for February 23, 2024. Bringing you the latest news and positive updates in the areas of Legal, Political, and Medical, in Canada and around the world.


1. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis once again convened a panel of medical experts this month to dissect the failings of the medical establishment, this time in response to a Florida grand jury’s first batch of findings on the federal COVID-19 response.
On February 9, DeSantis, hosted a roundtable discussion with Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo and members of Florida’s Public Health Integrity Committee to discuss the report. It’s wonderful to see this level of accountability happening in some sectors.
2.  Directors from the FDA, CDC, and HRSA were called to testify before a congressional panel on the rushed approval process for the mRNA COVID vaccines. They were grilled on the message they put out to the public and on its timing. Congressmen succeeded in forcing public health officials to admit that “safe and effective” doesn’t mean “completely safe and effective” despite the public widely held belief that these words mean just that. During their questioning, the director of the FDA was also compelled to admit that he rushed the approval process, and that he removed those who attempted to keep to a more traditional timetable.
3.  The Indian Environment Ministry has issued strict guidelines regarding cell towers in tiger critical habitat across the country. The Ministry stated that core critical tiger habitat should be avoided for the installation of  cell towers. The guidelines also mandate that new towers should not be installed within one kilometer of existing towers to avoid overlapping radiation, and that stringent measures must be put in place to ensure that tower installations do not disrupt the flight paths of birds or cause an increase in radiation levels. The ministry has also recommended public disclosure of the locations and frequencies of cell tower transmissions, and monitoring the impact on wildlife, particularly birds and bees.
4.  Vaccine Choice Canada has launched a new e-book this week entitled: A New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination. It is an easy to read guide to assist young parents to understand the safety, efficacy and risk of all childhood vaccines and to make an informed decision. The e-book can be purchased at their online store. A series of interviews with experts will augment this new guide and this information will be an important component of their Raising Natures Child initiative.


5.  A Montreal teacher has launched a court challenge against Quebec’s Ministry of Education, saying her school instructed her to lie to a student’s parents about the teen’s gender transition. The teacher, who is represented by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, said her school administration told her to lie to the parents of a 14-year-old girl. The teacher was advised that if she spoke to the parents about the child’s gender transition, she would be fired immediately. “I couldn’t live with myself if I did that,” the teacher stated. “I won’t look them in the eye and intentionally lie about the fact that we are enabling their child to undergo a significant psychosocial intervention without their knowledge.”
6.  The Court of Appeal in New Zealand has ruled that the NZ Defence Force vaccine mandate was unlawful. The Court of Appeal held that the vaccine mandate limited the right to refuse medical treatment and to manifest religious belief. The Court of Appeal decided that the Chief of Defence Force was not justified in limiting these rights by imposing a vaccine mandate in the way that he did. Matthew Hague, the lawyer for the appellants “It is a fantastic result for the protection of fundamental rights in New Zealand.”
7.  A tribunal judge in the UK has ruled that belief in a homeopathic lifestyle and bodily autonomy is a “protected characteristic” under the Equality Act in an unfair dismissal case for a former ambulance operations manager who lost his job for declining the COVID-19 vaccines. Paul Bailey worked for the National Health Service for five years before his dismissal in December 2021 after he chose not to have the jabs. Both the union and Mr Bailey’s lawyer expect Mr. Bailey to win his case against the Ambulance Service for unfair dismissal following the ruling in which it emerged that it was never written into law that any workers had to take the vaccines in order to keep their jobs, meaning all such dismissals could be considered unlawful.
8.  A federal judge on Wednesday handed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) a partial win in their landmark censorship case alleging the Biden administration colluded with social media platforms to unlawfully censor online content. Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting key Biden administration officials and agencies from coercing or significantly encouraging social media platforms to suppress or censor online content.


9.  Last week I mentioned that The Democracy Fund (TDF) sent a letter to Elections Canada and Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc expressing concerns about the government’s “disinformation/misinformation” censorship policy. This week, it was reported that the government is abandoning proposed legislation to censor such online content.
In a letter to MPs this week, Minister LeBlanc stated: “The government heard from Canadians and stakeholders that while false and misleading information online can carry significant consequences, creating legislation and policies that restrict or otherwise limit speech based on the veracity of information would undermine freedom of expression to an unacceptable degree.”
10.  We have a new Federal party in Canada – the United Party of Canada, founded by Grant Abraham, author of the book – The Battle for the Soul of Canada. The United Party of Canada states they will return Canada to its lost moorings of Peace, Order, and Good Government as founded upon the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law as set out in the Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Amongst their Top Policies are:
– Restore the Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press and Rule of Law.
– Eliminate the ceding of lawmaking powers to the Supreme Court, ensuring elected parliamentarians are the only ones who may change the laws of Canada. 
– Affirm the Primacy of Parental Authority.
– Establish new legislation to protect gun rights and property. 
– Dismantle Policies and Ideologies rooted in Agenda 2030. 
– Restore the Hippocratic Oath for Medical Doctors and Practitioners,
– Establish laws that respect the bodily autonomy of every Canadian to choose the medical Treatments they determine for their health.
– Respect the requirement for patient ‘consent’ and ensure there is no scope for ‘coercion.’
The United Party of Canada will have a candidate running in the byelection in the Ontario County of Durham on March 4th.
11.  I misspoke in my Wins of the Week last week when I stated that the BC government has given the BC Nurses Union 850 million. The correct information is that The NDP government gave the union 100 million last year, and has a memorandum of understanding to continue funding, giving 200 million this year, 250 million next year and 300 million every year after which would total 850 million over 4 years. I’m told that these funds have not been made available to nurses.  There has been no increased mental health supports for nurses. And that money to the union does not mean money to the nurses.


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