This is already happening NOW! No one is safe from the fury of natural disasters!

3 months ago

📍 Prolonged and debilitating drought remains a big problem for Europeans.
☝️ But at the same time, people in Africa are already experiencing its disastrous effects.

Read about it in this new issue of Breaking News:

☀️ SOMALIE: More than 1 million people have been displaced by Somalia's historic drought.

☀️ In MOROCCO, the water level in a reservoir that supplies drinking water to several cities, including the economic capital, is only 5%.

📍 But at the same time, devastating storms swept through several countries at once: their destructive power came as a complete surprise not only to the inhabitants but also to the weather services, which were powerless to predict these events.

💦 FRANCE, PARIS: After a long heat wave, torrential rains hit the capital, flooding several subway stations and stopping traffic in many parts of the city.

💦 FRANCE, THE ISLAND OF CORSICA: The residents and vacationers of France's "Island of Beauty" had a terrible morning as the picturesque coastal scenery of Corsica turned into a living hell.
Sadly, several people died and dozens were injured.

The fury of the natural disaster has been experienced by GREAT BRITAIN, SPAIN, ITALY, AUSTRIA SLOVENIA, AND POLAND.

🌊 PAKISTAN has suffered its third consecutive year of heavy rains and flooding - in 2022 due to flooding:
→ More than 700 people died.
→ More than 1,140 people were injured.
→ Some 72,500 homes were damaged.
→ More than 110,440 livestock were killed.
→ Over 400,000 hectares of crops were affected.

💦 INDIA: Heavy rains hit the north of the country. Sadly, dozens of people died, there are missing and injured.

There is no place on the planet that has not been affected by climate change.
☝️ Climate disasters are gaining momentum and can affect everyone at any time.
📈 The authorities hide behind statistics, but behind each of them are fatalities, broken human lives, hopelessness and hunger. And no one waited for the trouble to touch them.

How confident can YOU be today that it won't touch YOU tomorrow ❓

Will YOU be able to pack on time ❓

Are you sure someone will protect YOU ❓

☝️ Today there are many discoveries and inventions that can change much in the life of society for the better, but it is possible to implement them only in the Creative format, where the whole system of values is built for a comfortable and safe life of every person on the planet. 🌎
GLOBAL CRISIS. WE ARE PEOPLE. WE WANT TO LIVE | International Online Forum | May 7th, 2022


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