The Puppeteers Unmasked - Bankers+Wall Street+Government = NWO! - Whitney Webb

3 months ago

Mirrored from this interview on Jan 31, 2024 "Whitney Webb - The Puppeteer Unmasked: A Deep Dive into Their True Objectives - Peak Prosperity" --->
In this video, Whitney Webb explains that "Tokenization of Assets" is the way America is going to implement Central Bank Digital Control (CBDC) upon "We the People" so we become SLAVES to the Nefarious Wicked Overloads (NWO)!
The analysis of Whitney Webb concerning what is happening today to push everyone into a NWO by the Elite Satanic Globalists is the best explanation I have heard by anyone ... I pray she is born again in Jesus because even if you have ALL knowledge it is worthless if you don't have Christ.
The Federal Reserve and Wall Street are planning to implement Digitalized Asset Tokens, not CBDC. This will allow them to continue to use Fractional Reserve Banking principles and the Tokens can be programmed for Financial Slavery similar to CBDC!
"Tokenization" is the next BIG thing --->
These Wall Street Firms Are Ramping Up Efforts To Tokenize Assets --->
The Left WOKE establishment is NOT going to be able to rebuild Trust through their WEF dystopian Climate CONTROL Crap. In fact, the LEFT is destroying Trust... and this is why it's the Controlled Opposition anti-establishment Trump-CINE leader who will take us into Digital Financial Slavery ... using Wall Street Digitalized Tokens!
Whitney is not drinking the WEF Kookaid or the MAGA Koolaid! She calls out all LIES of Trump ... he says one thing and does another thing. How can we trust Trump to be different this time as president? Why would Trump not launch Operation WARP Speed 2.0 if Disease "X" is unleashed since he never acknowledged the crimes of WARP Speed 1.0?

She thinks the "old" method of blackmailing people on Epstein's sex island are now replaced with new methods of capturing evidence of digital sex videos people have on their computers .. Epstein was a CIA/Mossad agent.

Epstein's main criminal enterprise was collapsing smaller banks and financial firms to enrich JP Morgan and also to blackmail Corporations into investing in China to tear down America and make a Global New World Order ... but no one is interested in investigating these crimes because it would blow the lid off the Banking FRAUD and the conspiracy to destroy Nation State economics ... which is being used tear down FREEDOM of opportunity or Free Enterprise Capitalism for "We the People".

She says no one in power wants to fix the border problem, including Trump-CINE because it is part of the Globalist agenda to destroy the sovereignty of the Nation which is the tune all these Elite march to. They want illegal migration because it will be used as an excuse to roll out a National "Digital" ID to solve who is a citizen (and as an excuse to fix the voting system - my input).

The Globalists are flooding in immigrants to tear down nations that have governments that have individual liberties and free market economies ... no one is flooding into China or Middle Eastern countries.

The young people who have no values and no identity are more easily manipulated by the Globalists to accept their NWO agenda.

This is all orchestrated on purpose to create a Global Governance of Bankers and Corporations (rich elite) who run the Nations (probably by 10 regions - kings - my input). This is already what is happening (the Banks run the world) but the new BRICS alliance and the concept of a Multi-polar World is being promoted as a more INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE world that will embrace the religion of CLIMATE control to Save the Planet.

These Elites don't care about the environment ... they only care about CONTROLLING everything on planet Earth... digitally tokenizing every asset... including YOU!

The Elite are going to sell people on how to make a profit by tokenizing their assets ... and this is how they will sell the NWO to the Conservatives.

She says we can't keep voting for the lesser of two evils and think we are going to have a good outcome ... it's NOT going to happen. We can't trust Trump another time when he hasn't come clean from the last psyops he ran against "We the People".

We need to stop looking to the White House and start looking locally to our own house and our community to have solutions against these globalist agendas. The Federal Buracy is so big, a BEAST, it doesn't matter who gets elected ... it has been hijacked by Elite Satanic Globalists and operates under the influence of their EVIL NWO plan!

The Globalists are going to STARVE us out so they can roll out a Digital ID as a requirement for us to get out daily bread ... they are already doing this in many places in the world.

The number one way to try and stop this globalist agenda is to spread GOOD information like this video ... and stop trusting in politicians who won't address these issues and provide solutions to avoid this Globalist coup! Ironically, this is the #1 thing that the WEF said is that they need to CONTROL the information, so people trust these Self Appointed Psychopaths --->

If laws are passed to regulate the Internet, this will destroy free speech and the truth.

========= Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) ==========
Sound the shofar ... Jesus isn't "so far" away but He is NEAR to those who draw near to Him. The King is COMING!
Possible End Times Timeline ...
- Day of the Lord Starts! Pre-Trib Rapture of Born-Again Church to Heaven with Jesus (Rev 4,5)
- Seal Judgments for left behind Church, Antichrist Conquering, 144K man-child born-again-sealed, 2-6 months? (Rev 6,7)
- Trumpet Judgments, Antichrist confirms 7 yr covenant, 2 witnesses, first 3 1/2 years (Rev 8,9,10,11)
---------- Revelation 12 SIGN in Heaven - Tells the 7 years of Jacob's Trouble ---------- (Rev 12)
- Bowl Judgments, Beast commits AoD and institutes MotB, last 3 1/2 years (Rev 13,14,15,16)
- Jesus TAKES out the Beast, False Prophet and those with MotB, 2-6 months? (17,18)
- Day of the Lord Ends! Jesus RETURNS with His Saints to REIGN and RULE for 1,000 years (Rev 19,20)
Hitler was a boaster to Make Germany Great Again! Trump-CINE is a boaster to MAGA - Make America Gullible Always!  Will Trump eventually REPENT like Nebuchadnezzar did or will he perish as an unbeliever, since Trump said he has never asked for forgivenessness from God.
What is "Greatness"?  It is works that are based on God's foundational Truths!  God is the judge of a Nation and the works of that Nation ... based on God's STANDARD of Greatness which is based on His RIGHTEOUSNES.
Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people. - Proverbs 14:34
The "media journalists" and "leaders" who talk about GREATNESS but don't talk about GREATNESS that is based on "God's Four Foundation Stones" vs the "Four Foundation Stones of Satan's Kingdom" are either ignorant, disingenuous ... or they are Controlled Opposition who are Dancing with the Devil, trying to get rich pedaling the hate of one party or person over another party or person (like World Wrestling Entertainment) ... which changes NOTHING except the faces on the stage and tactics of their Deception.
Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and Truth go before You. - Psalm 89:14
The foundation of America, its Declaration of Independence, was based on God's Foundation Stones but the America of today is resting on the Four Foundation Stones of Satan and that is why God's judgment is COMING!  Unless we EXPOSE the EVILS of Satan's work (Ephesians 5:11) and TURN (Repent) from this EVIL (1 Peter 3:10-12), we will perish like every other Nation and people throughout history.
The Left is being driven to the radical LEFT (Hamas lovers) and the RIGHT is being driven to the radical RIGHT (Trump lovers). People are being COMPELLED/MANDATED to Choose SIDES ... Left or Right ... Civil War is coming to America and it won't be CIVIL!
We should be standing on the Four Foundation Stones of God's Kingdom ... Righteousness, Justice, Mercy (Lovingkindness) and TRUTH ... to receive His forgiveness and blessing but instead we are arguing and choosing sides based on emotional psyops programming which pits persons and personalities against one another for Entertainment like a WWE match or Avenger's movie!
If Trump is an instrument of God in his present state of Spiritual awareness, he is being used in the Spirit of the Antichrist ... he is being raised up as a dictator to judge America for their unrighteous SIN ... like Nebuchadnezzar was raised up to judge/discipline the Jews for 70 years. When Nebuchadnezzar boasted of his GREAT accomplishments, God made him into a BEAST for 7 "times" (which is a reference to the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation Period ... the Beast Kingdom) ... then after that time of humbling he REPENTED of his boasting and his kingdom was RESTORED!
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to put down. - Daniel 4:37
The Signers of the Declaration of Indpendence declared a WAR upon a known enemy, King George for "Taxation without Representation" ... THEIFT. However, today's Patriots know they are being ROBBED but they don't correctly identify their REAL enemy ... It's not a few Deep State Politicians but it's the Deep Satanic Technocratic Systems that HOLDS "We the People" Prisoners!
Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and Truth go before You. - Psalm 89:14
God's Foundation -  Satan's Foundation
1. Righteousness   - Wickedness  (FAKE Morals)
2. Justice             - Corruption (FAKE Money)
3. Mercy               - Ruthlessness (FAKE Medicine)
4. TRUTH             - LIES (FAKE Science)
The Four Pillars of Satan's Works:
1. Fake Morals of LGBTQP+ reprobate mind, abortion and glorifying prideful/deceitful/sinful behavior (Wickedness)
2. Fake Money of Big Bank currency and Crony Capitalism (Corruption)
3. Fake Medicine of Big Pharma and the Mythology of Virology (Ruthlessness)
4. Fake Science of Climate CONTROL, Evolution and Transhumanism (LIES)
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:3
The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag -->
A - Admit your a sinner   (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name    (Romans 10:13)
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
Jesus' Blood Saves - Jesus' Death for our sins, burial, resurrection for our justification --->
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. - Romans 10:9
With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!
Do you WANT to Know the TRUTH about what is going on in the world? This world and humanity is FALLEN and UNDER the CURSE of SIN. God has a WONDERFUL PLAN for you and for His Kingdom COME ... God doesn't want you to PERISH in SIN but to live in Christ and be BORN AGAIN! Listen to the Living word of God from the BOOK of John NKJV --->
Expose the LIES and Turn the EYES upon Jesus.
The "Mark of the Beast" is the Damnation of God upon those who don't believe in Jesus but the "Mark of the Feast" is the Grace and Pleasure of the Lord upon those who believe in Him!
Heart - The Will - (Red) - Jesus Christ - The Saving and Loving Relationship aspect of God
Mind - Reasoning - (White)- Father God - The Righteous and Critical Thinking aspect of God
Breath - Emotions - (Blue) - Holy Spirit The Convicting Revelation and Purifying aspect of God
HOPE - His Overcoming Power Everyday
REST - Resurrected Enjoyment (in the) Savior Today
LOVE - Living in Victory Everlasting
JOY - Jesus Only Y'all
Blessings - Rogersings

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