Agenda21/Agenda 2030 - Is This What You Want...Really?

4 months ago

No sane man, or woman would think this is a good idea. You can bet your ass the ruling elite will not be living in S.M.A.R.T cities, no, while the sheeple are herded into Kulags and fed on GMO poisons, radiated with 5G, and enslaved under the control of AI algorithms you will be a prisoner and you will have no one to bargain with as it will be run from AI, using PROGRAMMABLE CBDC's and Digital ID's. 5G is also a weaponisation platform, this was used in North Italy in 2020 (you'll find out..) As for the "el'ite" (el = Saturn) they will be free to enjoy their pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, hunting parties (using Children as Game) and much more. You? Well you wouldn't be able to do anything will you? What are you going to travel in? An EV? You think your ATM card attached to Programmable CBDC's will allow you to venture outside of the permissible zone? Charging points will not function, ATM's will not function if you are outside of your designated zone.

The people are so distracted by the bread and circus, they think all this is a joke, but look how many fools took the Covid shot, 17 million dead already, how many of you willingly gave restaurants your names and phone numbers? Seriously? How foolish can humans get? Then came the vaccine passport, fools went along with it. "I had to get a jab to go on holiday to Spain? Really? You HAD to? Really? Was the holiday worth dying for, or being a victim of myocarditis? are you pissed off with what I am saying? YOU SHOULD BE. But I am not the one fighting for your enslavement and demise....that would be those of you who never listened to us, who mocked us, but we still LOVE you, we still CARE about you, this is why we are STILL trying to snap you out of your programmed mindset and see the Light. Step away from the fear, cast away any guilt, throw away any shame. Embrace being human, no one is perfect, we are or "should" be unique, we are not designed to be enslaved, so throw off your mental chains!





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