Faith Over Fear - 12.12.23 - Turbo Cancer Part V

4 months ago

TURBO CANCERS: Part V: Innovative Treatments with Repurposed Medcines and Metabolic Strategies

Our 5th program in this six-part series created by Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik explores the concepts in Dr. Paul Marik’s new book, Cancer Care (available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle). Dr. Marik, one of our Truth for Health Foundation advisors, has reviewed over 900 published medical studies to summarize options for repurposed older medicines, nutraceuticals, and lifestyle strategies that are in line with our Health and Resilience strategies we have been presenting in our series. The goal is teach patients ways of 1) preventing cancer, 2) reducing cancer metastasis, and 3) reducing the toxicity of standard chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy to prevent severe immunosuppression, organ toxicity and death from standard chemotherapy. “Turbo Cancer,” the name coined by

Canadian clinical and research Oncologist Dr. William Makis, refers to rapid-onset, aggressive, fast-growing cancers rising dramatically worldwide since the roll-out of the experimental COVID injections, and hitting younger, healthier people than we have ever seen before. Tragically, these aggressive “turbo cancers” have not been responsive to our usual treatments. For COVID-vaccine induced turbo cancer patients, it is often a death sentence of a stage 4, rapidly spreading cancer with few options to help them.

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