G3D's SALT SHAKERS 69th Prophetic Memoir Series#29

8 months ago

Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor,
how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men" (Matthew 5:13 NKJV).
In this verse of scripture, we find that G3D calls His people the salt of the earth. We, the Believers of Jesus Christ, are the salt that preserves the world from destruction, just as salt was used to preserve meat for many years before refrigeration was invented. The salt kept the meat from rotting; remove the salt from the earth and the world begins to decay.
Salt is also a seasoning. It is important for salt to hold and deliver its seasoning for those who need a greater flavor. In fact salt was very rare in the olden days which made it extremely valuable and became a source of currency; trading salt for all kinds of goods and product. Salt with the best seasoning yield the highest price opting greater value for trading. When salt lost its flavor, it was considered worthless; therefore it was used to pave roads where the people traveled.
However, if we are the salt of the earth why is there so much destruction taking place? The Scriptures tell us something else about the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its flavor then it has no good purpose. That is to say if the salt has lost its flavor then it no longer serves its purpose, and the world continues to decay at the fault of the unsavory salt.
Do you, salt of the earth, feel you are being stomped on by the heathens of world, tossed to the ground as being worthless? Are you crying out to G3D for help but He seems to be ignoring you? The problem could be you have lost your flavor; to say it another way, what you are doing has no real spiritual purpose. Everyone has a special and unique purpose for being a Christian. However, if we are not willing to allow G3D to fulfill His purpose through us then we are rejecting His destiny, and His favor will begin to wane.
Salt has a job and that job is to preserve, to give life by seasoning mankind with hope and faith. "Now faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God" (Romans 10:17 NKJV). But how will they hear His Word if there is no one to season them with a fresh word, sprinkling them with words of hope, revealing what is to come? Prophecy is the very word that can birth new life in a soul (mind) that has lost hope. They are given purpose through the prophetic word, which ushers in a new season, giving value through knowing their purpose, direction and encouragement with a greater expectation.  
With each new day, more people are being seasoned by the word of G3D and being called to salt the earth and everyone in it with His Prophetic Word. These people are the shakers and movers of G3D, bringing new meaning and purpose to those who are followers and believers of Jesus Christ. Signs and wonders are following them wherever they go, preserving and spreading the message of a great awakening. Just as it was hundreds of years before the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus, many prophesied of His coming, declaring to all who would hear what to watch for so there would be no mistake. In fact, it was the prophecies of old that confirmed for the disciples that Jesus was the one and only Messiah. The evidence is vast and undeniable when we read of prophesies spoken 400 years prior to His coming, detailing even down to the exact number of silver coins that were given to Judas Iscariot to betray our Lord Jesus. This was prophesied in Zechariah 11:13 and fulfilled in Matthew 26:14-16. My point is that many of the prophesies today spoken over individual lives are already coming to pass and many more will be following as the army of G3D's Prophetic People continue to move forward sprinkling fresh salt into the earth.
When a Christian becomes lifeless and void of G3D's presence they need to be re-seasoned with a new and fresh anointing. The Holy Spirit is moving through the masses of Christians, offering spiritual gifts to those who desire to be the salt of the earth again, but this time with a powerful flavor that will change lives and preserve the Church. Our G3D is looking for those who are ready to become shakers and movers of heaven and earth. Times are challenging, and it is obvious we all will need G3D's miracles and angelic encounters to keep you and the Church safe from its enemies. The days for calling fire down from heaven are upon us, and there is little time to decide if you want to become a history maker or an empty salt shaker.

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