'Happy' Fucking Pedophile Frazzledrip Snufffilm Adrenochrome Canibalism LGBTQ Agenda 2030 New Year!

8 months ago

INFORMATION WARFARE! - What is the Real Fucking PAN-DEMIC for All Childrens Future?

Any Fucking Public (Danish) 'Freedom Fighter' who is Silent about this to the People, Are Fucking Traitors in my World.

And I can give a Fucking long list of names here...

And what did the Real Fucking Freedom Fighters do to the Traitors after World War II ?

Ask Not Why The Children Shouldn't See LGBTQIA+ Drag Queens!

Ask Why Drag Queens Crave An Audience Of Children!

Out of Shadows Official 2020 The Documentary (11.04.2020)

Out of Shadows Official 2020 The Documentary (UK Edition) [11.04.2020]

Matt Walsh - What Is a Woman? (Full Documentary) [June 1, 2022] Arrives Just In Time For The Sick Satanic LGBTQIA+ Pride Month!

The Plan to Legalizing Pedophilia 'Minor Attracted Person' (MAP) in Plain Sight! [18.01.2023]

Children Systematically Planned LGBTQIA+ 'Transed Out' & Transformed![11.12.2022]

So Who is 'Libs of TikTok'? Information Warfare - Depths of Hell! [17.06.2022]

Satanic Pedophile UN and WHO Agenda 2030 Want to Normalize Pedophilia and is Teaching Children to Masturbate! [06.05.2023]
Shocking evidence report reveals UN & WEF Agenda 2030: Children must have Sexual Partners!
Source; https://stopworldcontrol.com/children/

The WHO & UN AGENDA 2030 is Teaching Children to Masturbate and Wanna Normalize Pedophilia! [25.06.2023]
Short 2 min with links below Source; https://stopworldcontrol.com/children/

Kim Osbøl's Worldwide Agenda 2030 'Situation Update' - Sound of Freedom! [01.07.2023]

6 May 2018: May the Municipality "STALK" and/or monitor a citizen

Kim Osbøl: www.K10.dk aká Frank Jørgensen - Another Danish Controlled Opposition Psyop Traitor! [15.09.2023]
Clip 1.
A Sick Satanic Evil Pedophile Psycopath Babysitter Admits to the Unthinkable! (Preview)


Predator Poachers
Clip 2.
'Lady' GAGA Pedophile 'Girl Lover' Symbolism in Plain Sight!

FBI pedophile symbols: https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols

Sick Satanic Pedophile Symbolism Everywhere!

All you have to do is pay attention to their symbolism and it’ll stick out to you like glowing sigil‘s.

This is exactly how they communicate and these symbols stick out to them as well and that’s how they send messages to one another.

Educate yourself in their symbolism but most importantly their mindset.

When you know there symbols and their mindset you can decipher their Messages.

Clip 3.
Sick Perverse Pedophile 'Teacher' Call for Porn Literacy Class and for Parent to 'Unlearn'!

I bet most of you knew this day would come just as I did.

As time goes on they are exponentially getting more bold with their move the sexualize the children.

Part of the reason why they’re being so bold is to spark common people with common decency to make a mistake to remove them from the legal playing field.

At the same time they are causing real damage to everyone’s children. The children will look at the parents as if they’re stupid for not protecting them, or worse they succumb to the propaganda and make permanent body alterations..

Whether it’s pushing children to be molested or children to be peer pressured, they are attempting to destroy millions of children’s lives destroying the upcoming generations… and destroying America and the world as a byproduct.

The implications are deep and the easiest thing we can do is talk about it more.. The best thing we can do is counter it with our own flag and our own words in our own voice and our own laws.. educate yourself and fight this on their level.. use the constitution and sue anyone who resists equality..

While we wait for some sort of altercation to pop off, invisible bullets are entering the minds of all of the children in the United States.

Clip 4.
Human Child Trafficking in Schools, is that why they exist?

School seems to be as negative as we all felt like it was when we were there.

Unknowing teachers in which some were our favorites had no idea as their hearts and minds were turned against them.

When they thought they were improving the futures youth they were unknowingly teaching false truth.

It seems school is a mold to get children to fit the distraction, work, die path, basically forming a mental interface into which elites can control society.

I guess it would only make sense that some schools were used as exclusive playgrounds for the elites, while all other schools were Buffet menus for rich elites to watch their prey and pluck them when they deemed they were ripe. (Another missing child, seemingly Random ??)

It makes school photo day seem like it should be called elite predator menu update day.

As we all get used to how terrible the world really is I can’t help but think of the shocking reality all the sleepers will soon come to..

Clip 5.
Was Santa Claus also Pedophile putting children in his bag?

Christmas will never be the same after hearing this one..

Clip 6.
History Erased - Is the Bible Totally true or also False?

Where and who wrote the original stories used in the Bible today?

Are all the stories included today?

How many times have these stories been 'translated'?

And by whom?

@thothanunnaki - Billy Carson

Clip 7.
Women exposes exactly how humans are mind controlled!

The Secret Illuminati Covenant: Written by John D. Rockefeller

SpeakTheTruth (@kkiiye) on TikTok | 2.3M Likes. 232.5K Followers.

Clip 8.
Paul Harvey prediction in 1965: "If I Were the Devil"

Clip 9.
Puma is created by Pedophiles... And Illuminati Witch Rihanna is on board...

We all remember Rihanna at the halftime show throwing up the one Eye symbol.

Most of us have seen the A$AP Rocky (Rihanna’s babies father) pentagram photo with him and his crew with a witchcraft book of seemingly spells standing around a pentagram.

We also have all seen the Balenciaga scandal and can just assume that the rest of the fashion industry is in on it.

Here’s more proof with puma the clothing brand and its associates showing straight up Pedophile symbols on their Instagram with appropriate captions to validate the symbols.

We cannot trust any large brand-name or any massively rich individual.

Clip 10.
Would you Die for your Freedom?

Always stand up for freedom.

Clip 11.
Just like in Denmark... The Pedophile Psycopaths are everywhere!

US Government Leadership Has Always Been Plagued By Pedophiles.

1982 News Report Showing Congress & Their Staffers Doing Drugs & Having Sex With Teenagers

Some Congress Members Even Seeking Out Underage Men For Homosexual Relationships.

Others Operating “Prostitution Rings”

“The bureau has not been able to corroborate charges that congressional pages have been pressured into sexual activity with members of Congress. And the spokesman said it's not a widespread organized problem. Still, it is a scandal, but as Carol Simpson reports now, it cannot be considered surprising.

Clip 12.
Why do you think Sex is everywhere?

I’m sure we can all agree that sex is literally everywhere nowadays.

Everywhere from “pop ups” to movies and the billboard all the way down to the normal women on the beach.

Thinking deep about how weaponized and pedophilic the fashion industry is I’m sure you can complete the puzzle of where leggings came into play.

Seemingly innocent and also comfortable women are basically walking around with every part of their body exposed that make men go crazy...

Especially men that are suffering from the relationship scene damage resulting from the current attack.

All of these small subtle things none of us think about add up to increase pressure which actually intern does things like create illness.

They want this pressure to blow off in the form of a Civil War, let this be known.

Clip 13.
Brave Mom Expose Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ School Board Obscene Library Book!

bootcamp: A friend just told me that her brother is going to be on TV today.

He's a doctor and is recommending the poison injection for his geriatric patients.

They are living in an alternate reality.

This happened today, 15 September 2023. Still pushing the shots.

"Cop Stops Mom from Showing Images of Graphic Books Available to Students in Hillsborough Schools"
‘This is in children’s libraries here in Hillsborough County’

GEBHARDS: “All seven members of the committee were also asked to look at this image. This was in the book and they all unanimously said that this -- and along with that 15 page --" [crosstalk]

POLICEMAN: "Keep that off the screen."

GEBHARDS: "OK. This is in children's libraries here in Hillsborough County, approved by that committee unanimously at Plant High. It's in multiple schools. There's 10 images of that woman's naked breasts in that book."


"During the public comment section of a recent school board meeting, a Florida mother attempted to share a sexually explicit image featured in a school library book, but she was promptly interrupted, the New York Post reported. Julie Gebhards, a Tampa resident, addressed the Hillsborough County school board, hoping to bring attention to an inappropriate graphic novel in the district’s libraries."

4525 subscribers
Clip 14.
Why does the Amish People not'vaccinate' their Children! [23.12.2023]

"For your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations (ethnos) were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia)" - Revelation 18:23

Pharmacia = Sorcery disguised as Medicine! : https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pharmacia&t=h_&ia=web

Clip 15.
Do You Eat Food - GMO Nanotechnology CRISPR Food?

What is GMO Food?

GMO (short for “Genetically Modified Organism”)

Definition: GMO is a plant, animal or microbe in which one or more changes have been made to the genome, typically using high-tech genetic engineering, in an attempt to alter the characteristics of an organism.

What is GMO Nanotechnology CRISPR ?

What is the GMO Nanotechnology CRISPR? Graphene Oxide? Dark Matter? Back Goo Food?

- Do You Know Who Runs the Food Industry?
- Do You Trust the 'Science'?
- Do You Trust the The politicians?
- Follow The Fucking Monye!

"Control Oil and you Control Nations; Control Food and you Control People" — 1974 by U.S Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Are the Satanist killing us all 'Softly'?
Showing 9 of 9 matches, oldest first...

Are the Satanist Trying To Kill us 'Softly'? (Part 1) [25.06.2021]
2 years, 6 months ago

Kim Osbøl: Are the Satanist Trying To Kill Us 'Softly'? (Part 2) [08.01.2023]

Kim Osbøl: Are the Satanist Trying To Kill Us 'Softly'? GMO Nanotechnology CRISPR (Pt 3) [01.06.2023

Human Nature: What is the Nanotechnology CRISPR? Graphene Oxide? Dark Matter? Back Goo? (Documentary, Reloaded) [ January 20th, 2022]
Kim Osbøl - Copenhagen Denmark - 1 year, 2 months ago

Kim Osbøl shared CRISPR videos, Showing 10 of 64 matches, oldest first...

GMO Tomatoes and Wheat Swim in Salt Water! = Fish Gene Effect! [25.12.2025]

Here is a way to test your fruit and veggies, if they are GMO.

GMO plants swim on their own in salt water!

Music used:
Powerful Viking Music Nordic Women Chants Tribe Ritual Music - Deep & Rhythmical Atmosphere
Epic Viking Music Shamanic Drums Female Chanting Nordic Atmosphere Valhalla Tribe Music
Disturbed The Sound of Silence 2015
Dio All The Fools Sailed Away (1987)
Pink Floyd One of My Turns (1979)
Kim Osbøl Born [1964] and raised in Copenhagen Denmark, Freedom Fighter and Internet Warrior from #HadetsSange - and a product of the Danish welfare system [Satanic Facism].

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/osboel/ (Main)
https://t.me/KimOsboel (Main)
Rumble no 2: https://rumble.com/user/KimOsboel (2 strikes in 1 day) (Main)

YouTube no 2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKcCEgl90IXxFewmCNsztgA/
[From 09-04-2017] http://www.k10.dk/showthread.php?t=35157

A few of my channels...
https://vimeo.com/user125251652 (Banned and Blocked)
https://www.brighteon.com/channels/kimosboel (Banned and Blocked)
Mail: kim.temp@protonmail.com

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