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9 months ago

Wake Up

The Prussian Model education systems are the precursor of the atrocities of the holocaust and the very orgin of which we are all currently living in today, those who forget the past will be condemned to repeat it in the future, - Caring Corrupted Killing Nurses Of The 3rd Reich Documentary on #uthealthnursing Youtube channel.

The Fact of the matter is in the Documentary, and the causes of these problems today are clear,to people who have literally been screaming through the roof tops about Like myself right now and for decades now.

But unfortunately censorship has been for far longer than just recently acknowledge or awareness or conscious of today. If But when you don't know truly know what we know, you're not going to be able to see or understand. Because TRUTH is its really easy to know something any fool can know something, the point is to understand. And what that TRUTH is in point of fact.

Can be found here, ➡️ #jonesplantationfilm

The sooner human beings learn something about nature, which is exactly what they have literally lost, the better off we all can be. Just like elephants in the zoo can't be released back into the natural world, after being captured domesticated and hacked, is simply because being taking from the natural born environment, removes the very real evolution, power and instincts.

Thus they will die,hence why we build santuaries for them and those who are rescued from the abusers. Human beings are not different from the zoo animals and circus animals. It's really quite simple and easy, but hard for the ego and the emotions of people to understand, they will refuse to accept that fact. BxCxD = AHH, biological knowledge multiplied by computing power multiplied by data collection equals AHH ABILITY to HACK HUMANS, because they have already been captured and domesticated and dumb down. #itsnotrocketscience human beings from time frame of the wombs to age 7 don't have any conscience or conscious, the brain is not developed yet, so when you are from birth to age 7,your in theta ,downloading your environment and surroundings and senses...

Words don't mean a thing to the brain of baby's until the conscious mind is developed, children learn from the sight, sounding, taste, smells and energy of which is called frequency. Vibration of noise that the 👂🏼 hears,hair's pick up and facial expressions that the eyes see.Thus mimicking the actions and behaviors of those people, places and things of the environment....#biologyofbelieflecture by #drbrucelipton ...

it's really time to wake up folks Seriously 😴 🙄.

When we created electricity, we didn't have insulation over the copper wire, we have to evolve before we figure out we need insulation and fuse boxes.

Thus humans built homes and put raw copper in wooden homes and they burned down from the very actions of which they plug too much into the circuit and the house burns down and people died, edwardian age is a great video to explore what that really looks like.

So then we realize that we need insulation over the copper wire and circuit breaker.

Sometimes you don't realize that you are in the revolution until after the revolution is over.

Right now you are actually in the 4th industrial revolution and that is information and data collection. FREEDOMS ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE ILLEGAL, SLAVES WERE LEGAL UNTIL WE WOKE UP, HITLER DON'T CREATE THE HOLOCAUST, THE PEOPLE DO.

It's not the small group of psychopaths obsessed with power and control, it's literally the opposite, it's millions of people choosing to agree with being captured domesticated hackable zombified humans that created the holocaust.

So I have now given you the real world facts and provided the direct sources that you can legitimately find out first hand for yourself and all you have to do is give yourself the time to simply go look for yourself instead of believing everything that has been programmed in the subconscious from birth to age 7.

The Jesuit would say give me a child till 7 and I will give you the man.

They said that for a very specific real reason folks.

Kim Jun Un takes the Bible and replace god with his name and the North Koreans believe him to be their leader aka God.

Which where are they being lead to?? Enslavement and clueless of anything else that exists outside of his dictatorship.

Please 🙏🏼 for the love of God or the universe or Satanic or anything that you believe in I don't care what it is, because I already know why you have the freedom to believe in it in the first place and only in the United States of America can you do that, both need to be allowed regardless of how your ego or feelings aka if you are emotionally illiterate ,feelings don't matter, facts matter.

Facts and truth are 2 separate definitions for a very specific real reason. Independent by definition reads.....

So in conclusion ,everyone needs to watch and wrap their heads around that. Until then, they will be by definition of the word zombie, the brave browser search engine definition,not the Google gulag false reality search engine, because Google is not a library nor is it in your best interest to become intelligent or aware...neither is Wikipedia, and there are plenty of videos proving that fact, Dr Robert Epstein has proven that about Google. John stossel provided the video for Wikipedia .

See for yourself ↘️⬇️↙️

Zombie definition brave browser search

Independent definition brave browser search ↘️⬇️↙️

Zombie definition Google search

Independent definition Google browser search



Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing.

Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant.

Not determined or influenced by someone or something else; not contingent.

For a reason...

Independence day means by definition independent...

Non captured non domesticated and non hackable zombified golem class slaves are not what gives you freedom.


In voodoo belief and popular folklore, a corpse that has been reanimated, especially by means of a supernatural power or spell.

One who looks or behaves like an automaton.

A computer connected to the internet and controlled by a remote unauthorized user to perform malicious tasks, without the owner being aware.

Freedom is always illegal and you have to decide what you want to decide, the only way we'll get out of this is by evolution instead of this devolution and regression that is and has been literally taken place for decades now. Remember something, look at the dates uploaded on videos like caring corrupted documentary #uthealthnursingyoutubechannel, and ask yourself why you never seen or heard it in the political world, newspapers or news, alternative sources and legacy media???

Biology of belief lecture by Bruce Lipton, which is the science of what they used to make the people do what they did in covid bullshit. Check that date, and mark Passio video on natural law seminar, over a decade before anyone had any inclination of what was coming, why does nobody want to see that or allowed to see it?

The information is there it's the people who choose willfully ignorant and willfully nescience to be able to become intelligent.

Education doesn't solve anything, intelligence just and intelligence is not taught, it's gathered by the people who choose to gather it.

Hence why you gather the intel, in the court cases and establish the time line of activity in people, places and things that actions and behaviors accused occur when they are not their to witness it, so they go gather it and don't go gather educated, the education is granted by the people who gather the information and intelligence 😉.

Wake up America and wake up humanity, we have very little time left and the first thing to do is understand words, human beings are taught how to spell and practice grammar and spelling B's, but they are never taught definition B's, orgin of the written words, secrets of symbolism and how powerful they are, because they are the first sounds pointed and drawn to control human the word controlled creatures...

So again please for the love of God and humanity, take the time needed to REALLY understand what information I just handed you in this comment, statement.

Seek and you shall find, Roman Maxim of law, he whom shall be Deceived so let him, because he who plays telephone games instead of going to the source first hand, will be Deceived so that is nobody's failure but his own.

The world wide web 🌐 🕸, is not going to help us get out of this equation, because it is literally a web and designed by definition to capture mankind like the emoji shows you...

You buy hi definition tell a vision screen because it is literally by definition, high quality higher clarity, more clear to see more defined more finite. Just like the definition of the words that people use today in the one world language English aka England 🇬🇧, which they themselves have never looked at or got taught the history or orgin of.

Which is the biggest elephant in the room today. Besides the Jones Plantation film,

A wise old soul once said.

Always trust everyone to be themselves!

It takes too much energy to not trust someone.....

We Are All Currently Living, in the same conditions that we had once  already been through before.....

And the problem is simple.....

Some people are capable of seeing foresight and willing to do that, while the others are not even remotely close to considering the very fact for themselves. 

Those who forget the past, will be condemned to repeat it!


#Caring #Corrupted #killingnurses #ofthethird #Reich #uthealthnursing #neveragainisnowglobal #uthealthnursingyoutubechannel

This wise old soul also once said........

Always trust everyone to be themselves, 

But ...

Trust in the the fact that you can see them well!

It takes too much energy to not trust someone!


Trust a snake to  bite you!

Trust a liar to lie for you!

Trust a thief to steal from you!

Trust them to be them, 

But know them when you see them!



Another wise old soul once said, 

An error doesn't become a mistake, 

Until he/she....

Refuses to SEE IT!



YOU my dear friend, I can TRUST in the fact , that you can and are willing to SEE!!!!

In conclusion, 


😉 💔🙊🙉🙈

#timetowakeup #timetowakeupameric #WakeUpAmericans #itsnotrocketscience #jonesplantationmovie
#larkenrose #themostdangeroussuperstition
#markpassiowasright #whatintheworldishappening #woeih #gedwardgriffinwasright #yuribezmenovwasright #an0maly #an0malywasright #BobbySausalitogettysburgaddresswasright #takenaps #tjsweetwater #tjsweetwaterwasright
#secretlifeofsymbols #jordanmaxwell
#iamcoachcolin #coachcolin

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