How to make Delicious Desert Rose Cookies

6 months ago

This is a wonderful Desert Rose Cookie Recipe, crisp on the outside and soft inside. Not only fancy looking, but great tasting.

Desert Rose Cookies
1 cup Flour
3/4 cup Almond Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 cup Chocolate Chips + 1/2 tbsp Flour
1/2 cup Butter, softened
2/3 cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla
120 gr Corn Flakes
Powdered Sugar

Sift together Flour, Baking Powder, Salt & Almond Flour, whisk well n set aside.
Toss Chocolate Chips with a little Flour, set aside.
Cream Butter & Sugar together.
Add one Egg at a time & Vanilla.
Incorporate Flour Mixture.
Mix in Chocolate Chips.
Cover with Plastic Wrap, refrigerate for 30 Minutes.
Line Cookie Sheet with Parchment Paper.
Preheat Oven 350°F.
Cover each Tablespoon full of Dough with Corn Flakes. Press lightly.
Place equally spaced apart on Cookie Sheet.
Bake 20 Minutes.
Rest Cookies 2 Minutes on Sheet, cool completely on Wire Rack.
Repeat with Rest of Dough.
Dust cooled Desert Rose Cookies with Powdered Sugar before serving.

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