(26) Temporal Terrorist Organization Structure

7 months ago

[Chapter 26: Temporal Terrorist Organization Structure]

The temporal terrorists have computer programs that can generate realistic life-like videos of real people, which are called “real fakes”. The temporal terrorists have also have computer programs that can generate new faces of people that don’t actually exist. The temporal terrorists have been recording my voice via telemarketing and hidden cameras in front of monitors and behind mirrors so that they can fake my facial expressions and voice to make it look like I said or did whatever they wanted. The temporal terrorists want to implement facial recognition technology so that they can frame people with “real fakes” and “false positives”. The temporal terrorists fund their operations using revenue brought in from Hollywood movies, many of which are actually created by an artificial intelligence computer. Many of the movies on “Netflix” are actually generated using an artificial intelligence computer, which has been trained how to generate realistic looking movies that follow certain plot rules to make them entertaining. The artificial intelligence computer can then incorporate psychological operation “triggers” into movies and television shows that will trigger a reaction in their targeted audience but seem innocent an innocuous to the general public. The temporal terrorists put out stories in the media about “Easter eggs” as a smokescreen for these “triggers” incorporated into their television shows and movies. The temporal terrorists also incorporate a “skewed morality” into their movies to condition the public to commit transgressions against the Creator’s laws. This skewed morality is a hybrid of hedonism and environmentalism, which belittles lifelong marriage between a man and a woman and puts sexual gratification such as consensual fornication and divorce on a pedestal. The environmentalism aspect is used to prevent people from being creative. If the people are creative they will invent new technologies and create art that will allow them to prosper and thrive. By pushing environmentalism the temporal terrorists are trying to make people feel “guilty” in the “skewed morality” for using resources to create new things. If you haven’t seen a public figure, actor or actress in person, the safest thing to do is to assume they are simply a computer generated image used by the temporal terrorists to manipulate you. Many real public figures don’t like their real faces shown in public because it creates a safety concern where they can be more easily targeted. Many times the images you see on television or on the computer are altered images. Each public figured creates an avatar that has a resemblance but looks slightly different. In this way they can be recognized without being targeted.

Sometimes when a public figure dies, they actually are retiring and faked their death to assume a new identity in their retirement. Other times when a public figure such as a Supreme Court Justice dies they will find a doppleganger to replace him or her. Other times the public figures are modeled off an ordinary person’s life where the ordinary person doesn’t even know they are being exploited to fabric the fake public figure. This allows the temporal terrorists to make the life of the fake public figure seem more realistic. The movie “Colossal” is an allegory of how the temporal terrorists take an ordinary person and magnify their actions by modeling the fake public figures after them.

Because many of the movies are actually generated using an artificial intelligence computer, the temporal terrorists do not need to hire actual actors. Many of the payments to “actors” are actually payments to agents for conducting psychological operations. They are hiding in plain sight. Because the temporal terrorists conduct a lot of psychological operations, they hire a lot of “crisis actors” or “method actors” to gangstalk targeted individuals. The temporal terrorists are smart enough not to simply hire them on “Craig’s list”, but they use their own black market version of “Craig’s list”, where they pay the people in cash so there is no paper trail. The temporal terrorists like to hire ignorant people as pawns to do their dirty work so that nothing can be traced back to them. The temporal terrorists have infiltrated all level of government and turned many local, state, and federal agencies into mafia-style criminal organizations that act as their puppets and they pull the strings. The temporal terrorists focus on infiltrating one city a time until they have complete control of a certain state. The temporal terrorists then focus on infiltrating one state at a time until they have complete control over the entire country. Once the temporal terrorists have control over a city, they are able to print their own passports and give people fake identities. They can also recruit other temporal terrorists from other countries.

The temporal terrorists like to recruit criminals who are about to go to jail but haven’t yet. In this way the temporal terrorist can blackmail the criminals to join them and assume a new false identity. The recruited criminals are then slaves to the temporal terrorists and the temporal terrorist can pull their strings at any time. When they have complete control over a state, they can conduct false-flag acts of political terrorism with impunity. If any of their agents ever get caught, they simply fake their death and give them a new false-identity in a position of power an authority. California is one of the states under complete control of the temporal terrorists. The temporal terrorists like to encourage illegal immigration and homelessness because it gives them a smokescreen or a way to hide their false identities more easily. The reason many illegal immigrants are voting is because they are actually temporal terrorist agents who faked their death and assumed a new identity. In certain states the temporal terrorists have actually tricked the public into accepting incarcerated prisoners voting as wards of the state. The people who fake their death and assume another false identity are called “Ghosts”.

The longstanding joke is that Barrack Obama, Barry Soetoro, or whatever name he is going by these days was born both in Hawaii and in Bethlehem so that he can be both the President of the United States and the Anti-Christ simultaneously. If you don’t believe me, ask Jamie Foxx. Since the temporal terrorists are an international organization, they also create “safe havens” for some of their agent. China is creating “ghost cities” to house temporal terrorists. China has an agreement with many of the temporal terrorist that after they have successfully sabotaged the United States from the inside and helped China conquer it, they will be housed in the “ghost cities”. However, the temporal terrorists are also expert liars. Anyone who tries to convince you to lie and manipulate someone else is actually lying and manipulating you. When the “shit hits the fan” many of the temporal terrorists agents will report to their designated “safe haven”. However, the “safe haven” is actually a death camp. Biological weapons will be released in the public. When the temporal terrorist agents report to their “safe haven”, they will claim they need to be “decontaminated”. The decontamination area is actually a “gas chamber” where the temporal terrorist agents will be killed via lethal gasses and then thrown into a mass grave. They will claim the mass grave is people who died from the biological weapons in the public. Everyone is told they are “important” and at the “top” or “near the top” of the food chain, ladder, pyramid or whatever other metaphor they use. The television show “the 100 Series on the CW” indicates that there will be a fake “top level” of the pyramid and everyone will be killed off. There may be several fake “top levels” of the pyramid. Many of the temporal terrorist agents have been shown their dwelling place in the “safe haven” in person. The funny thing is that many of the temporal terrorist agents have been shown the very exact same dwelling place because they are on the kill list and the dwelling place is actually reserved for someone “more important” than themselves. The “more important” people are demon possessed freaks that act as hosts for the temporal terrorists. The Georgia Guide-stones indicate that the temporal terrorists are planning on culling the population down to 500 million people. It is easier to kill a million people than to control a million people or feed and house a million people. The temporal terrorist are all about control where they want to micromanage everyone’s lives in the future for the 3 and half years they have control of the earth before they are destroyed by the Creator.

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