Charlie Freak LIVE ~ The Battle for Our Souls is Upon Us ~ Bohemian Rhapsody

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Charlie Freak LIVE ~ The Battle for Our Souls is Upon Us ~ Bohemian Rhapsody

6:00pm PST, 8:00pm CST, 9:00pm EST, 2:00am UK Time, 3:00am SAST, 11:00am Sydney Australia, 1:00pm Wellington NZ

Get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, October 28th, at 8pm CST, at the Fullness of the Hunter’s Moon, comes a Very Timely and Powerful Show…The Battle for the FATE of All Human Souls is now upon us, and Everything that happens from here out will be designed to force us to Choose a Side, Left or Right, Right or Wrong, Good or Evil, Kindness or Selfishness…and based upon the Choices that we make will determine our Fate, because what is Coming is the Truth, which will Bring the Light (like you have NEVER witnessed before) and Stimulate Love…the New Earth, or Jerusalem that is Coming will NOT be for Everyone, it will only be for those that Desire, above all else, to Live in the Light of God’s Truth, and to possess a Desire to HELP others as we re-Learn to Help ourselves…

And the Decision as the Who makes ’The Grade’ and who doesn’t will be determined by US, and not anyone else…if we Choose the Light of God, then we will LIVE in the Light of God, which will be this New Earth, where Mother Earth Reigns Supreme in Love, Kindness and Unity; but if we cannot let go of Despair, if we choose to CLING to LIES, then a CLOUD of Darkness will Come and Envelope us, and it will take those of us Away, to an UNDERWORLD, where there is no Light, only Pain, Suffering, Guilt, Shame, and ENDLESS DESPAIR…

THIS is the HELL LOOP that most of us have been Living, on Earth, for many Lifetimes now…but No Longer will this be permitted…those that do not possess the Strength nor the Will to Leave Darkness and Despair behind, will DESCEND to this Purgatory, where their own Worst Day will Play and Re-Play, again and again and again, until such time, that they FINALLY say, ‘Mia Culpa’ and take Responsibility for their own Decisions and Actions, learning to Forgive themselves and to Love themselves, as they were LIED TO from the Moment they were Born, and forced to Live in a False Reality where Lies and Darkness reigned Supreme…

Remember, it is NOT YOUR FAULT, you are but a VICTIM to a Bloody and Viscious Game that Psychopaths have laid out for us, a TRAP designed to Enslave our MINDS, for an Eternity, where Slowly, Day-by-Day, our SPIRIT dissipates in the Wake of endless SIN, until there is No God, or Goodness left Within us, just Wickedness and Endless Shame, where every Moment is a New Hell, unto to itself, and where we Beg for an Ending that will NOT come, until such time that we CHOOSE to CHANGE, for the Better…and NO Matter just how far you think that you have Fallen, always remember this, God doesn’t Care WHO YOU WERE, the Creator ONLY CARES about WHO YOU ARE, Right Here and Right Now…

So, TRY HARDER, DO BETTER, and begin to SEE Past your own Small Lives, until you Real-Eyes that you are just ONE Brilliant Important Part of a VAST and Special WHOLE, which IS CREATION…and once you Choose this, once you Choose to Come Home to both Father Heaven and Mother Earth, then you RE-JOIN Mankind as part of the Whole, where Everything begins to Work FOR YOU once again (Dharma), instead of Everything Working Against You (Karma)…

Life is Always just a Choice, so Choose, but Choose Wisely…

So, Join us Tonight for this Amazing Show, where we Reveal how the Angels have begun to Return to this Earth to Aid us, where we Finish Decoding the Book of Revelation, and then Powerfully EXAMINE Freddie Mercury’s Magnum Opus Creation, Bohemian Rhapsody, as this Song is about ALL OF US, and how we Rest Back Control of our Souls from the Hands of Satan, back into the Eye of God…all I can tell you is this, it is going to be a truly Breathtaking Show…

With Love,


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Enjoy, Love, CF

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