You are Worth More than Many Sparrows

7 months ago

God’s value system is different from ours. But how?

Truth Statement #1: God does not value things based on any objective value of theirs (so to speak) but according to the value He chooses to place on them.

For instance, according to the scriptures, angels are a little higher than men objectively
speaking but God chose to confer more value on men – on that which is objectively lower in some sense – rather than angels by coming in the form of man. The scripture also says God chooses the base things (so-called) of this world, etc. (cf. Psalm 8:1-6; Hebrews 2:5-7).

Moreover, economically speaking, for a lot of things in the world their economic value derives from just how abundant or scarce they are. The scarcer a thing is, the more valuable it becomes based on the system of this world. But with God, it would make absolutely no difference anyway whether a thing is scarce or not since He is the creator and can easily create whatever he needs at any time. This is only an example of what makes Him value things differently from us.

Truth Statement #2: Consequent to the above truth, our value does not derive from anything in this world but from God’s perception of us.

It is God who permanently fixes and determines our value. Our value is agnostic to any other consideration – social class, economic status, nationality, gender, etc. Our value is agnostic to all such things. None of these things make us either more or less valuable before God. Our value is eternally fixed and it solely derives from God. (cf. Galatians 3:28).

But what is God’s disposition to those things He values?

Truth Statement #3: He is very involved in the details pertaining to those things He values.

In other words, since God values us, He is very involved in the details of our lives. He is not an aloof Father. (cf. Matthew 10:29-30; Luke 12:6-7).
Reading the above referenced scripture, only consider how different God is from us by how much he bothers Himself about the details of even those things that are of little value – humanly speaking. He is very attentive to the sparrows which cost just two pennies per five. (A penny is currently equal to 1.41 Nigeria naira on this date. It is actually 4 sparrows that are worth two pennies and the fifth is given for free because “one sparrow had no value.”)

Despite the fact that a sparrow was of little value God is very attentive to it even more than we are attentive to the most valuable things. If He cares so much for such things as sparrows, how much more would He care for us whom He has placed the highest value on?

But what is that “highest value” he has placed on us?

Truth Statement #4: The value God places on us is the sacrifice He is willing to pay on our behalf which is His own life (cf.Romans 8:32).

What can we conclude from the above?
“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).

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