Bomb Rush Cyberfunk chapter 5 - BRC vs Futurism, Coil's 3rd location, Red's final memory

7 months ago

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is an action-adventure game developed and published by Team Reptile. The player controls a member of a graffiti Writer gang called Bomb Rush Crew as they use boost packs traversing around New Amsterdam, paint graffiti, collect beats, combo tricks and facing authority to stake their claim to the sprawling metropolis of New Amsterdam. The game was first released in Japan on Switch on 18 August 2023 and released worldwide for Linux, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC on the same day afterward.

The game's gameplay bear similarity to Jet Set Radio with the exception of an option to switch between inline skates, skateboards, and BMX with each has different hidden functions, Reputation points (Shortened as REP) which can be gained by replacing other gang's graffiti with theirs, and access to flip phone which the player can use to access available sequence for the graffities they have collected after completing a mission, music for background the player has collected so far (Some of them are found in hard-to-reach platform) which can be manually picked and turned on or off from Red's phone, access to camera with the filter option and switch point of view between front or self (The camera's POV depends on the character's animation while holding the phone) and gallery with the option to view the captured photo in full screen and delete photos. Player gained access to boost pack at the beginning of the game which can help the player reach hard-to-reach platforms with correct timing. Boost pack fuel meter can be replenished by hitting vending machines and dumpsters which will spit out some fuel orbs for the player to collect. Player character also regenerates health over time if they are hurt (By cops, falling, unpassable wall hazard or DJ Cyber's disc during his boss battle).

Unlike Jet Set Radio's combo system, the game's combo can only be increased by leaning left or right before the player character hit a corner while grinding or wallride. The player can also use the boost pack to gain a large amount point multiplied by the player's current combo at the cost of some fuel which is useful for outscoring rival gang in Crew Battle.

Before we start challenging the Futurism, we need to go find Coil for his 3rd recruitment. He said that he is on an island in the middle of Mataan (The one where there are large and medium tag) and there, he will give you a challenge of reaching the bridge on the other side (That one bridge in front of both you and him) in a single combo without fail and he will leave once again (We will get to that part later because the next recruitment event trigger at random time). Alright...we are done here, let's talk to the Futurism to start. Ahem....Crew Battle: BRC vs Futurism!

After winning the Crew Battle, DJ Cyber was impressed at the achievement and asked Red if he still wanted his head back (I think it's his original head that DJ was talking about) which Tryce said that it's too late to wish for that and Red said that he already got a head so he no longer wants it. "So you say...however there is still something missing...The body is nothing without the head, and the head is nothing without the Mind," DJ reminded them. When Bel wondered what he meant about the Mind, he told her that Red need to embrace his past and present self if he wants to be his future self. He opened the back of his mech where the machine for exploring the mind and Red start dreaming by using it.

Entering the mind world, the environment consists of nothing but white space and ravens (What does this symbolize I wonder...). Behind the big raven is Felix and talking to him will make him replaces Red in exploring his own mind while Red vanished temporarily (If you are still confused, Red is Felix in the present and this is the past Felix we are playing as in the next stage of his mind world. Hmm...why does he have the boostpack? Does it mean that we are playing as the current Felix behind the Cyberhead?). Once we tagged the spot at the end, Felix will enter his final memory before he died with DJ explaining him everything that happened including who killed him that night. When Felix was tagging on a billboard, Faux asked him why he never used boostpack like he and Cyber which Felix explain that he doesn't need one. Faux said that was the reason why he went solo (Felix was a loner back then) and kick the ladder where Felix was standing on, thus killing him and his head decapitated by the fan below him. At the same time, DJ and Prince were watching the Franks playing Basketball when Felix's headless body land in the room they were in. When DJ told him why he ended Faux, Felix was surprised that he did that for his sake. Felix confidently laughs that luck was always on his side and DJ pointed out that Faux didn't realize that there was a key witness: Solace. Felix said that it's not over yet and he will deal with Faux himself personally.

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