University of Minnesota/META Data Center/EMF Radiation, Data Center Sharing Information

7 months ago

EMF and more..../ University of Minnesota and Meta Data Center Rosemount, Minnesota.

The other morning, I woke up to a very shocking article from our local Minnesota paper, The Twin Cities Pioneer Press. The article states that Meta is potentially purchasing land from The University of Minnesota for 700 million dollars and building a data center. For those who don’t know Meta. Facebook, the Social Media company changed their name to Meta and the acting Chief Executive Officer and Chairman is Mark Zuckerberg. There’re also shareholders who make key decisions. The code name for this “Data Center” is Project Bigfoot. Code names are used to keep growth plans of large companies private. In the article, it states that code names are given to avoid impacting stock prices or informing competitors.

The article states”This data center would be used to storing computing and networking equipment for the purpose of collecting, storing, processing, distributing or allowing access to large amounts of data.” The filling was submitted to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission in October 2022 by Xcel Energy, who would be the electricity supplier.

The land sale is expected to close January of 2024 and the funds are going to the UMore Park Legacy Fund, which boosts education and outreach projects for the university.

Ok, lets get down to the nitty gritty because this has a RED Flag sign flashing all over it. My first thought when I heard about this none sense was EMF. EMF stands for Electromagnetic Fields which will be produced by this data center which is housing computers and equipment. For those of you who don’t know about the affects of EMF Radiation, it isn’t good news. Our body holds heavy metal contamination from head to toe. People may ask, Where do these Heavy Metals come from? They come from our air, soil, food, vaccines, medications, beauty products and more. We are contaminated in heavy metals. Parasites which also contaminate us, feed off of heavy metals and they make us crave processed junk food. These parasites cause illness and disease and are never hungry since we are covered in heavy metals and they use as a source of energy. Our brains are like an antenna and we are an energetic power source. When EMF radiation is present (high or low) it should raise huge amounts of health concerns. EMF radiation can cause a wide range of health issues. It disrupts the chemical structure of tissue, can change the electric current in the body and it can change your dna structure that is passed down to other generations. Having heavy metals in our body, the EMF stimulates the metals and parasites in our body. It activates the microbes in our system and causes them to over act.

It can lead to health complications because of the mycotoxins.

The WHO state some have reported inflammation, head aches, aches and pains, depression, lethargy, sleeping disorders and even convulsions(from www.who.inet). This was information on just their website. Other websites have more accurate symptoms. On they state they did a 2 year toxicology test study (published in 2018) on rats and mice using RFR(Radio Frequency Radiation) Cell Phones(2g and 3g) with a frequency of 700-2700mhz. The results showed that high exposure(900mhz) with clear evidence association with tumors in the hearts of male rats(malignant schwannomas), tumors in the brain and adrenal glands.The study goes on in detail and it is quite alarming. To learn more about this study, please go here.

The WHO states that there hasn’t been enough testing on EMF and not enough evidence. They also state on their website that EMF will continue to increase as Technology advances. I am a energy sensitive person. When I go into TSA at the airport I can feel a rise in the EMF radiation just from their equipment. Imagine an entire data storage facility and what others will feel. My question? Who will pay for all these health problems that will occur? Who do we hold accountable? Who will test the EMF Radiation Levels? What about their employees and their health? Can the entire building be made from Shungite? Shungite is a natural stone found in Russia that protects you from EMF Radiation. I highly doubt they would do this. However, problem solving is what we will be doing once this monstrosity is built.

This Summer (2023) was dry and hot. My electric and water bill was outrageous. What happens when there isn’t enough water or electricity to go around for the neighborhood but enough for a data center. This Data Center would take precedence over a community because “They” want to keep us”Safe” and this Data Center does exactly that? How? What about Xcel receiving tax breaks when the user bill increases? The smart meters went in and people who opted out had a increase in their bill. Smart metered removes your control and also emits EMF. You gave them permission to remove your own control, which is a sad state of affairs.

But wait, Walz our Governor signed a “Clean Energy” Bill by 2040. How will this Meta Data Center keep “Clean Energy”?

Next, lets chat about Smart Cities, Surveillance and is the land sacred? Do you want to uproot Sacred Grounds if it is Sacred? Who knows what would happen if we did that? I can almost guarantee that these sleeping spirits would not be happy at all.
I heard the soil was contaminated and has already been uprooted.

Lets not forget the fact that the City Council of Rosemount signed a NDA. Why? Why? Why?

We pose more question than have answers, which is extremely troubling. In order to stop this, we have to take a stand and be loud. I refuse to get on that train to Auschwitz. Will you?

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