Did Biden’s Oval Office Speech Set Stage For WW3

7 months ago

President Joe Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office last night. It felt as if the President had two agenda items – tie Ukraine to Israel, by equating the Islamic terrorist militia Hamas with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and then ask the country for more money.
As Biden stated in his address:
“Hamas and Putin represent different threats but they share this in common: They both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy, completely annihilate it. Hamas’ stated purpose for exiting is the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.”
While the President is correct in his summation of Hamas, we’re not sure he should compare them to Putin. Hamas is an Islamic terrorist organization. Putin, regardless of his heinous actions, is still the president of a major world power with nuclear weapons. Hamas does not have a nuclear arsenal at its disposal – at least not yet. It’s also not a country. It’s a terrorist army funded by another country that wants to see Israel destroyed – Iran.
But what made many people watching the speech uncomfortable was the sense that this particular address was only to prepare Americans for the next one – the one where Biden announces that the United States is now involved in a global conflict. We certainly hope that is not the case, but there were overtures in Biden’s speech that indicated our inevitable involvement in this conflict.
President Biden also announced his plan to send Congress an urgent request to approve his humanitarian aid package to the tune of nearly $105 BILLION in taxpayer dollars, of which $60 billion will be sent to Ukraine. Only a reported $14 billion will be earmarked for Israel. So the President used his Oval Office address on the war in Israel to ask for more money to send to Ukraine.
It’s also interesting to note that President Biden wants $14 billion for securing our southern border with Mexico. And I say that’s great that he seems to finally be taking the humanitarian crisis in our own country seriously. Two years ago, it was Biden who canceled former President Trump’s border wall project which only cost $6 billion. Now he wants more than double what Trump wanted to finish the same job. If Congress approves this, can they at least add an addendum that Biden has to publicly admit that he was wrong about the border wall and Trump was right? We won’t hold our breath.

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