CNN's Anderson Cooper Ducks During Live Shot As Blaring Explosions And Sirens Erupt In Tel Aviv

7 months ago

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has been reporting from Tel Aviv on the Israel-Hamas war this week, and on Friday was interrupted by air raid sirens and loud explosions during a live segment on CNN. CNN anchors Boris Sanchez and Brianna Keilar began the hour on CNN News Central by going straight to Cooper, who was live in Tel Aviv and speaking as loud air raid sirens blared behind him. Cooper pointed out that the sirens going off were the first in several days, and as he was describing the situation some loud bursts could be heard over the report. “If rockets do come, generally they come from that direction,” Cooper was saying when some of the explosions were heard seemingly at a distance.

“That sounded like an Iron Dome interceptio–” he began to say as a much louder and much closer explosion rocked the area, causing him to duck instinctively as the powerful booms echoed. “That was a rather large explosion,” said Cooper matter-of-factly. “That is something we have not heard very much here in Tel Aviv.” CNN correspondent Matthew Chance said he wasn’t sure if it was an Iron Dome interception, but added, “I haven’t heard anything like that in Tel Aviv. Not since I’ve been here.” …

Mediaite: CNN’s Anderson Cooper Ducks During Live Shot as Blaring Explosions and Sirens Erupt in Tel Aviv

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