About The Yahweh Chosen 911 and The Open Concentration Camp Gaza

7 months ago

Folks, I hardly agree with anyone of both Left and Right, especially the American Christian Conservatives. But in this particular HAMAS’ “surprise attack” in the stolen land of Palestine, I couldn’t help but mostly agree with David Knight on this. I have to “confess” that David Knight Show, despite being hardcore Christian American style, is the ONLY independent alternative news-show I’ve listened to almost every night for more than a year now! (His Show starts around 2AM weekdays Australian Time!)

So, please listen to what he had to say about the "surprise attack!”

This clip has two segments. The first is David Knight's take on the "surprise attack."
And the second segment is what Prof Norman Finkelstein, who is Jewish and the author of the book “The Holocaust Industry” (https://www.amazon.com/Holocaust-Industry-Reflections-Exploitation-Suffering/dp/1781685614) said about GAZA.

As for me, I am sick of cowards and useful idiots who fearfully prefix their “comments” on the Yahweh chosen rats with the cliche “I have many Jewish friends!” “My best friend is Jewish.” It’s completely oxymoron!

Simply, since they are chosen rats, and you are just “goy/goyim” to them. Goy/Goyim are subhuman who were born into this world to serve the Yahweh chosen rats; according to “Jewish values!” So Yahweh chosen rats are not allowed and never want to be friend with non-chosen rats! If they say you are their friend, they deceive you and use you according to “Jewish dispensationalism.”

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