Are you a worker with integrity? (The faithful vs wicked servant Matthew 24:45-51, Mark 13:34-37)

8 months ago

Are you a worker with integrity? (The faithful vs wicked servant Matthew 24:45-51, Mark 13:34-37)

C. S. Lewis once said that “integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” I firmly believe that the current American work force has completely lost touch with what it means to have integrity as an employee. Pretty much the generation that is currently entering the work force cannot be trusted to get the job done unless you are standing over them 100% of the time ensuring that they stay on task. As soon as you leave them alone, they stray from the task at hand and their work ethic and integrity goes out the window. Today we begin to look at a parable that is found in both the book of Matthew and Mark that relates to how individuals behave when no one is watching them. The master goes away for a while and leaves his servants with responsibilities while he is gone, Jesus poses the hypothetical question of how the master will respond if he finds the servants doing what he wants when he returns and if he finds them not doing what he wants when he returns. The answer seems quite clear that he will reward the servant with integrity that worked hard while the master was away, and he will punish the service who slacked off and did nothing while he was away.
Everyone has probably dealt with a co-worker who has no integrity and only tries to look busy when the boss is around, it can be frustrating and aggravating to say the least. Do you realize that the Master is away and that He has left you with a job to do? Jesus will one day return to this earth and when He does return, He is expecting to find His disciples doing what He has asked them to do. We do not know when He is coming or what time of day, he will show up, but we know that when he returns, we better be working on His behalf. Spiritual integrity means that while the master is away, we are working just as hard for His Kingdom as we would be if he was standing before us continually. The most important thing that an individual can do after giving this heart to the Lord is seek passionately after God’s purpose for your life and after you discover it pursue it continually with spiritual integrity and passion. We work hard for the things that are important to us and as a child of God nothing should be more important than the Kingdom of God.

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