Democrats Forcing Trump to Pose for a Mug Shot Backfires Big Time

9 months ago

Democrats thought indicting Donald Trump four times and forcing him to pose for a mug shot would be the final nail in his political coffin.

But Democrats and Joe Biden got some bad news.

And Donald Trump revealed his mug shot and you won’t believe what happened next.

The Democrat District Attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, Fani Willis, demanded Donald Trump submit to a mug shot.

Not even the Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, or Joe Biden’s handpicked prosecutor, Jack Smith, forced Trump to take a mug shot as part of their arrests of Trump.

George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley explained on Fox News that Willis insisting Trump take a mug shot was supposed to be the cherry on top in the Democrat plan to weaponize the justice system against Trump and his supporters.

“For Willis, that is a trophy moment and she will mount that on her wall,” Turley said in an interview with Sean Hannity. “For half of the country it’s deeply upsetting. This is weaponizing our judicial system.”

But not for the first time, Donald Trump turned the Democrat Party’s witch hunt into his political advantage.

Trump owned the mug shot using it as the pretext for his return to Twitter in a post that symbolizes Trump’s refusal to back down and keep fighting in the face of a seven-year-long campaign of hoaxes, lies, and sham investigations cooked up by the Democrats to bring him down.

“For Willis, that is a trophy moment and she will mount that on her wall,” Turley told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “For half of the country it’s deeply upsetting. This is weaponizing our judicial system.”

Trump supporter and Florida Congressman Byron Donalds predicted on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show that forcing Trump to take a mug shot would backfire and enrage the American people.

“This is going to backfire in a major way,” Donalds declared. “Because Americans want our country to function. They don’t want it to be used as a political weapon against political rivals.”

Donalds explained that the two-tiered justice system was on display for all to see as the Biden Justice Department and the FBI ignored Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s alleged criminal activity while at the same time twisting the law to invent criminal activity on the part of Trump where none existed.

“Americans are pissed off. You are talking about a government, a Department of Justice that ignores the crimes of the president’s son and, frankly, the president himself,” Donalds added. “They ignore those crimes. There’s no investigation. There’s no serious effort by the Department of Justice or the FBI to get to the bottom of that. Meanwhile, they are going after the chief political rival. That is unfairness to the nth degree and all that is happening with the backdrop of an America that is failing around us, border policy, inflation, fentanyl in our streets.”

Donalds’ words proved prophetic as the mug shot galvanized Trump’s support.

The Trump campaign reported raising over $4 million in the 24 hours after the mug shot went viral, the largest one-day fundraising total in the entire Trump re-election campaign.

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