Maui Orange Cards & Coming Smart City. Making Maui a Smart City Prison Island

9 months ago

Maui Orange Cards & Coming Smart City. Making Maui a Smart City Prison Island
Are we seeing the beginning of the lock down of Maui as the first step in creating the CITY-ISLAND SMART CITY?
Did you see the article that the Maui officials are passing out orange cards to identify the islanders? You know how this pans out. Next they will be passing out orange stars to sew on to their muumuus and palaka alohas.
Then, they will be locked into the SMART CITY ISLAND where food will be rationed and housing assigned. Eventually everyone will be required to be vaccinated. If the jabs don’t kill you immediately, there will be enough graphene oxide in your veins to hook up to their wireless slave system. If you survived the jab, you become WETWARE.
Your beloved Maui will become the worlds most notorious pedophile island for Moloch worshiping and Oprah/Bezos-types who will have an unlimited supply of child slaves to keep the global blackmail operation going and Babylonian Radhanite merchant bankers like Jamie DEMON and Larry RAT Fink in power.
BeachMilk on Gab: 'Police in Maui are issuing ‘Orange cards’ to resi…'
BeachMilk on Gab: 'Police in Maui are issuing ‘Orange cards’ to residents to restrict their travel to UNAFFECTED parts of the island to receive supplies, medication,…
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