Zodiac, Tate-LaBianca-Folger & CIA Timothy Leary ever-present.

10 months ago


ARMY INTEL Officer Timothy Leary, LSD Mavin had six wives.

Dr. Timothy Leary, Dr. Ralph Metzner and Dr. Richard Alpert started the Harvard Psilocybin Project. They gave psilocybin to graduate students and many volunteers including Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Aldous Huxley.

Footnote disclosure:
Timothy Leary was an ARMY INTEL Officer, a West Point Cadet. Colonel Paul Tate was ARMY INTEL Officer as well. both had residences in Presideo ARMY Officer housing Presideo Heights area.

1967: January 14th
The first Human Be-in occurred in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Timothy Leary exhorted the crowd to “Turn on, tune in, drop out.”

1971: September 3rd
Albert Hofmann and Timothy Leary met in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Timothey Leary also had provisional housing at 10106 Sunbrook Drive---at the Tate-Folger murder site.

NATO Gladio (by the sword) KILL TEAMS work in groups of three men. Tate-Folger killing required 4-5 KILL TEAMS plus surveillance & logistical support, Leno LaBianca & Rosemary required 2-3 KILL TEAMS plus surveillance & logistical support.

The first three Zodiac attacks required 1-2 KILL TEAMS plus surveillance & logistical support.

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