Bible Mysteries Podcast Episode 146: Edom and Rahab Interview with Timothy Alberino

11 months ago

Show Notes

Is Edom a type of planet Mars? Was a planet destroyed in the ancient past called Rahab? Is the asteroid belt the evidence of this planet that was once obliterated? Were fallen angel forces based on these planets, and even today, exist on Mars and the Moon? We discuss these ideas with our guest Timothy Alberino!

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Timothy Alberino is known as the modern-day Indiana Jones. Timothy is a consummate explorer and has recently returned from an expedition to Cusco, Peru, with Luke and Nate from Blurry Creatures Podcast. His inquisitive mind and insatiable appetite for adventure have led him all over the planet in search of lost cities, lost civilizations, hidden treasures, and legendary creatures. He is also an avid researcher and published author whose scholarly pursuits are as daring as his expeditions.

The website is, the book is Birthright: The coming posthuman apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam’s Dominion on Planet Earth, and the man is Timothy Alberino.

Questions for Timothy:
I found the part about Mars and Rehab in Birthright profoundly interesting, and I’d like you to give us a brief summary for our listeners of the connection you draw between Mars and Edom.

 You indicate in your book that you have a twin brother, and you draw our attention to the fact that Jacob and Esau were twins but very different in appearance and heart toward God. Given the satanic influence of the “sibling contender” aspect of brothers in Scripture, Cain, and Able, Ishmael and Isaac, you speculate about a different line of attack the dragon used with Jacob, Esau, and Rebekah’s womb. Explain what you mean by this?

Do you believe the current abduction phenomenon could be thousands of years old, possibly involved in the birth of Jacob and Esau, and why do you suppose it continues unto this day since the Seed of the Woman has already defeated the Dragon at Calvary?

In Birthright, you make a case that the Dragon is legally limited in his operation on earth by, among other things, the birthright contract of the earth given to the children of men in Psalm 115:16. Do you see a connection between what we call the satanic global elite, ie, governments, deep state entities, and the WEF, having an agenda to gain control of enough property to the point where they control a majority interest in earth real estate, thus being able to enter into a contract with the seed of the serpent?

You discuss in Birthright that the earth is reeling from the devastation of an intergalactic war. Do you believe there were fallen angelic bases on Mars in the past? Is it probable they exist on the far side of the moon today?

Your book points out traditional nomenclature related to Mars as the Red Planet, the god of War, Aries, etc., all showing parallels to red Esau and Edom. Share with our listeners how you came to see a connection in typology between Edom and Mars and what you believe it reveals.

What do you know about NASA filtering photographs of Mars, and why do you suppose it is being employed?

You discuss the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and draw a possible connection with a planet that may have been destroyed in this battle called Rehab. Explain how you were able to glean from Scripture this possibility.

Where do you stand on the idea that there were possibly two floods in Scripture to coincide with these dates, assuming they are correct: the more recent date being the Flood of Noah, and the earlier date being the flood of Genesis 1:2, matching the rebellion of the Dragon and his angels?

Please share your trusted sources that confirm the existence of DUMBs and the covenant “grays” have made with the US government to permit the abduction of humans for genetic manipulation in exchange for advanced technology.

Takeaway: God wrote His Word for man, focusing on God reconciling the world unto Himself through His Son Jesus Christ. However, there is evidence in Scripture of an ancient rebellion that took place long before man was created. One-third of the angelic realm joined Lucifer in a war to usurp the throne of God, and our universe shows the remnant of devastation and ruin that resulted from the Lord putting down this rebellion. There is more to heaven than meets the eye!

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