5G is imposed on the people - while the government protects itself against it?!

10 months ago

Brussels/Belgium ‒ There will be no 5G mobile communications in the capital of the EU for the time being. "The people of Brussels are no guinea pigs whose health I can sell for a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt," said the regional environment minister, Céline Fremault, to the French newspaper L'Echo. According to the report, negotiations to more than double the permissible radiation exposure have failed. Is it really a question of protecting the population or is this a pretext to protect EU politicians and the government agencies of Brussels from mobile communications damage?

Geneva/Switzerland ‒ Due to concerns about the effects of 5G radiation, the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland has stopped the expansion of 5G. Other cantons such as Jura and Vaud have followed this example. The cantonal parliament wants to see independent studies first. In Geneva's Grand Council it was said that the environment was being increasingly afflicted by electromagnetic waves and that nobody knew about the health effects. Who here should be protected from irreparable mobile communications damage? Does the concern apply to nature and the environment or first of all to the staff of international organizations based in Geneva, such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Nuclear Research Center CERN, EFTA, WEF, etc.?

Palm Beach/Florida/USA ‒ In the state of Florida, a law has been passed that allows mobile operators to install 5G antennas anywhere without permission. Palm Beach, the residence of billionaire Bill Gates and US President Donald Trump, among others, was excluded from this law. The exception was justified with the excuse that setting up the antennas would disfigure the cityscape and that there would be opposition from the inhabitants. Is it just a coincidence that everywhere in the world, where influential people and billionaires live, very few mobile communication antennas exist? Is it really about a more beautiful cityscape in Palm Beach or first of all about as little electric smog as possible in the hammock of celebrities?

Ludwigsburg/Germany – The district administrator of Ludwigsburg had a mobile communications antenna dismantled near the place of a celebrity’s residence. This was reported to the German internet portal Golem.de by a manager of a large mobile communications operator. He wants the information to be treated confidentially. What is there to hide from the public? Why so much anonymity all of a sudden? And who is this celebrity?

5G is imposed on the people, although massive opposition comes from the population everywhere. Lack of interest in or fear of 5G is confirmed by the following incidents, among others:

> Germany – Telefónica Germany was desperately looking for test households for its 5G-Fixed Wireless Access in Hamburg. These are ultra-fast, 5G internet wireless connections, at a frequency of 26 gigahertz. WIFI is currently transmitting at 2.4 to 5 GHz. Telefónica printed over 11,000 flyers and distributed them to its customer households, with the "little extra" that those who take part are given 200 Euros. There were only two replies, despite this great offer.

> Switzerland – Sunrise offered a homeowner 120,000 Swiss francs for a 5G antenna on an apartment building in district 4 of the city of Zurich. This corresponds to over € 100,000. But the homeowner family refused on the ground that there were too many unknown factors in the matter: “We do not want to put something on the roof at other people’s expense without knowing whether it is harmful to health.”

> USA – The first 5G services in the USA are not well received by customers. To still win over users, 5G provider Verizon is now offering its 5G services free of charge for an indefinite period.

These are only small highlights of countless examples. The debate about irreparable 5G damage to humans and nature is stirring up emotions everywhere, for a reason. It’s because the construction of 5G networks is even forced onto places where groups of people worthy of protection are staying: children, infants, the sick and the elderly. There would be alternatives for 5G test sites:

For example, 5G antennas directly in front of the EU Parliament in Brussels and in front of mobile communication companies; 5G wireless access in all WHO, UN and CERN offices in Geneva.
Area-wide 5G irradiation on the lawn-chairs of Donald Trump, Bill Gates and other celebrities in Palm Beach. 5G base stations with adaptive antennas, i.e. direct beam, to mobile communication lobbies and mobile communication operators.

Mobile communication irradiation is the largest experiment of all time on human health and the environment, involving some four billion people without a declaration of consent. Shouldn’t such experiments be tested on the originators instead of making our cities, including kindergartens, schools, hospitals and recreation parks, unsafe? By the way, 5G can radiate between 3.5-100 GHz. US military microwave weapons radiate at 95 GHz.

Do you know of any other government agencies, celebrities or localities that protect themselves from 5G radiation? If so, please send us your information with sources to reference today. We will be happy to receive your message: by e-mail kontakt@klagemauer.tv or contact us via our web-site.

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