Passenger Films UFO Orbs From Airplane

9 years ago

There are many things in this universe that we do not yet understand. It is those mysteries that make the universe so interesting. One of the most famous and most asked questions surrounding the universe is if there is other life out there besides us. There are people that believe in that, but then there are some that do not believe that one bit. No one will truly know until either side is confirmed. It seems that this video right here may have just answered that debatable question.

An airline passenger recently captured footage of strange UFO orbs over Atlanta, Georgia, USA. They appear to be moving around in erratic patterns, until they eventually move out of sight. What do you think they are, could they be aliens?

Just by the size of the universe alone, it is hard to imagine that we are the only life to exist. Surely there must be some life out there other than us, but once again that is up for debate. It is unlikely that the flying orbs in this video were some sort of extraterrestrial trying to contact us but then again, you never know.

Please share this video with your family and friends as it will surely surprise them!

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