Alex Jones about Andrew Tate

11 months ago

Alex Jones about Andrew Tate. I think Alex Jones is wrong on some things, starting with Andrew Tate is a great guy and he is being framed. But we won't hold this against Alex Jones because he is a good guy. Back to what Alex said its partially correct. The Ortodox Church holds some power but its really the prosecutors which are non religious that hold the power. The prosecutors dont have "words from above". Only NATO USA and EU leaders are protected with "orders from above". Third, the prosecutors had Andrew and Tristan in their view long before even Andrew and Tristan believe they were watched. Yes Romanians hate muslims but not all Arabs as there are many arab doctors non muslims in the country. The crusades in Romania were more against the Ottoman Empire (now modern Turkey) rather than muslims in general. Not everyone in Romania is super religious and there are other churches as well, well represented like Reformed, Catholics, Baptist, Jewish Synagogues...
If the prosecutors hated Andrew for being a muslim they wouldnt allow him to carry the Quoran in court. The punishment we have calculated is 14 years at the minimum not 20 but it might be more in Andrews case because of Andrew Tate attitude. The Ortodox Church in Romania unlike the reputation didn't say much, they are more non political and more for money and don't really care about this stuff leaving the dirty business to the state. The Ortodox Church today is not like the Muslim Church today. In Romania Ortodox Churches care more about other things and the primary thing is: money, recovering more lands, accesing EU funds, building clinics and expanding... Ortodoxes Churches in Romania have begun to make side projects to increase their profits, including hotels and tourism. Everyone in the Ortodox Church cares about the Church, their priests home to be big and many, the lands, the opportunities... The prosecutors in Romania are tough and they don't play by the books. In the past framing people was common, now they use methods that are clever like abusing the rules.
Alex Jones is correct, these prosecutors don't mess around, the law is very strict in Romania if the person accused is not working with the prosecutors and opposes them. Judges in Romania can help Andrew but only if he helped himself. At this moment judges can't help Andrew at all because of his attitude. Judges could have reduced Andrew Tate punishment by 60% but Andrew threw this option away first by not saying he is guilty and admiting it (33% reduction) and now by having a shitty attitude (with a good one he would get another 33% reduction). Instead the prosecuts continued the case and added more accusations and extended the gravity of the initial ones. This is not very common in Romania as the prosecutors usually are not trying to get someone hard and won't expand the acusations unless the person feeds them with fuel.

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