Former CBC Journalist Marianne Klowak Describes The Astonishing Decline Of Journalism In Canada

1 year ago

Marianne Klowak, an esteemed expert witness and former CBC reporter, offers an invaluable perspective on the deterioration of journalistic standards within CBC following the announcement of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With over 30 years of experience in the field, Marianne provides an insightful analysis of the profound changes that have taken place within CBC's journalistic practices. She sheds light on the factors that have contributed to the degradation of standards and raises important questions about the integrity and objectivity of news reporting.

In this thought-provoking discussion, Marianne delves into the impact of the pandemic on CBC's approach to journalism and highlights the need for a reevaluation of media practices. Her firsthand experiences and observations offer a unique insight into the evolving landscape of news reporting.

Don't miss this compelling conversation that exposes the challenges faced by journalists and the implications for the public's access to reliable and unbiased information. Gain a deeper understanding of the changing dynamics of the media industry and the importance of upholding journalistic integrity in these critical times.

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A Citizen-Led Inquiry Into Canada’s COVID-19 Response

Canada's federal and provincial governments' COVID-19 policies were unprecedented. These interventions into Canadians' lives, our families, businesses, and communities were, and to great extent remain, significant. In particular, these interventions impacted the physical and mental health, civil liberties and fundamental freedoms, jobs and livelihoods, and overall social and economic wellbeing of nearly all Canadians.

These circumstances demand a comprehensive, transparent, and objective national inquiry into the appropriateness and efficacy of these interventions, and to determine what lessons can be learned for the future. Such an inquiry cannot be commissioned or conducted impartially by our governments as it is their responses and actions to the COVID-19 which would be under investigation.

The National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) is a citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative that is completely independent from government. In early 2023, the NCI will hear from Canadians and experts and investigate governments' COVID-19 policies in a fair and impartial manner.

The NCI's purpose is to listen, to learn, and to recommend. What went right? What went wrong? How can Canadians and our governments better react to national crises in the future in a manner that balances the interests of all members of our society?


Former CBC Reporter Says Outlet Suppressed Negative Stories About COVID Shots, Lockdowns

The shocking revelations were made by past CBC Manitoba reporter Marianne Klowak during testimony at the National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) on May 18 in Ottawa.

May 25, 2023

A former journalist who worked for the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) shockingly revealed that reporters were stopped from being able to cover stories critical of COVID vaccines and lockdowns, and were instead encouraged to push government "propaganda."

The shocking revelations were made by past CBC Manitoba reporter Marianne Klowak during testimony at the National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) on May 18 in Ottawa.

"I know that as a public broadcaster, you'd expect us to be telling you the truth, and we stopped doing that," said Klowak.

"And it was a number of stories that I have put forward that were blocked, but it seemed to me as a journalist who'd been there 34 years, it's like the rules had changed overnight. And it changed so quickly that it left me just dizzy."

Klowak noted that it was her editors who prevented her from doing stories in relation to protests against the COVID mandates, as well as reports of people having adverse events to the COVID shots, as reported by doctors.

She noted she had "witnessed in a very short time the collapse of journalism, news gathering, investigative reporting," adding that the way she "saw it" is that "we were in fact pushing propaganda."

"Not only had we shut down one side by silencing and discrediting anyone opposing the narrative, we had elevated and designated ourselves as gatekeepers of the truth. We no longer believed our audience was capable of thinking for themselves," she told the NCI.

Klowak said a story of hers about a woman who had a COVID vaccine injury was completely neutered, or in effect "sanitized." 

"It should be just a straight story about someone who suffered an adverse reaction and we shouldn't downplay it," she noted.

"Instead, the way I saw it, her story was buried in experts and health officials and stats, which sanitized it."

Klowak admitted that journalists "failed to hold power to account and no one was holding the media to account." 

In July of 2022, Klowak revealed that the CBC deliberately skewed its reporting on COVID-19 inoculations.

She said that CBC was "canceling one whole side of the debate" as the experimental COVID-19 shots became available across the world.

The NCI is a citizen-led and citizen-funded independent initiative investigating the government's response to the COVID so-called pandemic. 

At the inquiry in Ottawa as well, Dr. Christopher Alan Shoemaker, a Canadian doctor with 45 years of experience, testified about the injuries correlated with the COVID-19 mRNA injections, notably the jab's effects on kids and reproductive health.

Shoemaker had his medical license suspended in January of 2022 by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) because he spoke out against the COVID shots.

As for Klowak, she left the CBC in late 2021. Since then, other CBC reporters have left over what they also see as biased COVID news coverage.

In January 2022, journalist Tara Henley quit for similar reasons, saying, "Those of us on the inside know just how swiftly — and how dramatically — the politics of the public broadcaster have shifted." 

About a month ago, retired Canadian Lt. Col. David Redman testified before the NCI that legacy media outlets such as the CBC are "ministries of propaganda."


See also:

Canadian Dr. Daniel Nagase: The Unjust Treatment Of Canadian Patients & Doctors During Covid

Shocking Testimony From Two Canadian Funeral Industry Professionals

Justin Trudeau Testifies At Canadian Emergencies Act Inquiry - Final Day, Day 31

Preston Manning Announces National Citizens' Inquiry Into Canada's Covid-19 Measures!

Canadian Citizens Launch COVID-19 Inquiry

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