No Good Dead (Goes Unpunished) - Genesis 40

1 year ago

No good deed goes unpunished. Sounds strange, but it is very true in the context of suffering with Jesus Christ. Jesus died for those that punished Him and He calls His followers to do the same. It is called salt and light. You can get saved to save yourself from hell, but what a noble and courageous thing to get saved so that YOU can join HIM and share in the sufferings that will redeem mankind. Salt and light only take a sprinkle, but they change the flavor and the illumination of much larger meals and rooms. Your sacrifice in Jesus’ name preserves the world for one more day! Your sacrifice is joined to the sacrifice of Christ, and it keeps the mass of human beings from falling into hell overnight. Why would you want to help such a motley crew? Because there is no nobler, higher, or more honor-worthy cause in all the universe!

Pastor Johnny

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