Animal Moms Saving Their Babies Caught On Camera

1 year ago

Animal Moms Saving Their Babies Caught On Camera
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Mothers are very protective of their babies and that goes for mothers in the animal world too. When threatened a mother will do everything in its power to defend its young, even if the battle with the invader is almost impossible to win. Do you think a hen can protect her chicks from a vicious snake?


Our first mother is a hen and watches how she defends her eggs from this mighty cobra. We’re not talking about any kind of snake here. This is a cobra, and the hen is protecting eggs that haven’t even hatched. The hen is sitting on her eggs, minding her own business when this cobra rises above her and for one second you think it’s all over for the hen, but as soon as the cobra begins to strike, the hen bites the cobra who retreats immediately.

The cobra attacks a second and third time, but the hen resists and stands her ground. In our next clip, again, a cobra sees a bunch of chicks but doesn’t expect mother hen to pull a kung-fu voodoo dance on it. She also guides her chicks as far away as possible from the snake which slowly slithers closer to the family, but the hen is relentless in her defense of the chicks and does not give the cobra one inch. It doesn’t look like lunch will be served today Mr. Cobra. I never thought chickens were so courageous, but I guess when it comes to protecting your family, nothing can scare a mother away.


Ducks are no different than chickens when it comes to protecting their young. Watch how this duck challenges a dog when it approaches it. Of course, the dog was probably trying to play with the duck, but the duck didn’t know that. Our next clip shows the same determination by the mother duck who doesn’t hesitate to lunge at the little dog approaching the flock. No matter what the size of the dog is, the duck will protect her chicks, just like with this German shepherd pup.

I like the way the chicks all stick together and run away together as mama duck protects them from harassing dogs. Watch how the duck in this clip challenges a much larger goose when the goose tries to chase the duck’s chicks. It’s not crazy about doing so, but she will not let her family be harmed. In this next clip, a puppy and a duck battle it out. Mind you, it’s only a pup, but a duck isn’t very big, so yes, it’s more of a playfight, but the duck isn’t backing down anytime soon. The duck even manages to pin the dog down for a count of three. Where’s the “ref” when you need him?

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